Chapter 3: Tablemau or Laurable?

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I walk into the living room to get the door. Laurance, Garroth, and two other guys were standing there. "Hey Laurance, Garroth come on in! Who are your friends?" I inquire. "This is Dante, and Aaron, they were out when you visited last," Laurance says, handing me a lily. "Oh thank you, you know that gifts were not mandatory," I say sniffing the flower. "I know, I know. I just thought maybe I should apologise for the way I acted when we first met," He smiles down at me, "Apology accepted!" I said. I walk into the dining room where the buffet is. The guys look great, all in white shirts, no suit jackets, but still nice. "Nice to meet you," Aaron and Dante chorused. "You too! Dig in," Just then the doorbell rings, "I've got it you guys eat, eat!" I run to the door. I open it to find Katelyn and Nicole. "Hey girls!" there was another girl there, "Who's this?" I look at the girl, she has fiery red hair and her dress is the cutest thing I've ever seen! "I'm Cadenza, Laurance's half-sister," she reaches out and pulls me into a hug. Very forward, but she seems sweet. "Nice to meet you!" I ask them in and walk over to Nicole, "Dante's in there," I say with a smirk on my face. "Aphmau!" she was so surprised, "Eep, do you like my dress? How's my hair? Anything in my teeth?" she asked in a flurry. "Calm down! You look great," Garroth walks over to us, "Hello ladies. Thank you Aphmau for inviting me, this is a lovely party." I smile, "You're welcome, and thank you," I say blushing. He's so very sweet, "What music do you all like?" I say walking over to my speaker. "I like anything you do," Laurance says winking. I giggle, any *less* vague requests?" I look around, everyone seems to be busy. I just turn on some bouncy stuff we can dance to. Suddenly Laurance is behind me. He is giving me that mysterious grin again, "May I have this dance my lady?" He says taking my hand and bowing. "Hmmm actually I was thinking about...," I look around, "asking this table!" He looked puzzled, but decided to play along, "Awww to bad I was going to ask my sister." My face fell, and he noticed. "Maybe- maybe I'm not in love with the table anymore," I shuffle my feet, looking down. "Well you still can't dance with me for I am in love with the table!" he says between laughs. The whole room must be looking at us like we're crazy, My voice drops to a whisper, Awww, because I was gonna kiss you after the dance." He stares at me, gouging my face, I try to seem as if I'm not being sarcastic. "Fine I will dance with you, I'm sorry," he turns toward the table, "I shall return my love," I giggle and let him lead me closer to the speakers. Nicole and Dante were already dancing. He spins me around. Whenever I touch him I feel this spark, I don't want to call it a feeling. Just something... Different. "You look handsome in that," I say looking down at his shirt. "Handsome enough for you to fall in love with me?" I laugh, he's so funny, "You'd have to look a little bit nicer for that." He sighs. "Well you do look beautiful." I was only wearing a purple sundress, one of my favorites. We danced, and chatted for a bit, but eventually it was getting late. "Okay everyone!" Laurance says, "I propose a toast, to Aphmau, our new friend!" Everyone cheered and pile in for a group hug.


After I had cleaned up I went to bed. Lying there I had nothing to distract me from the obvious... I liked Laurance, but there was also that other guy Garroth, he seemed super nice too. Hmm and Aaron. He was mysterious, I kinda like mysterious. Yet, then again there was the evident fact... after a while, I realized, I love Laurance.

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