Chapter 14: The Roof

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I walk into my room. Garroth isn't here, so I don't have to deal with the inquiry. I see Aaron's door is closed. Figures. I leave him be, he's always moody. I pick up my book and begin to read.
-+Time Skip+-
I finally decide to go to sleep. I take off my glasses and turn off my light. I wonder if I should text Aphmau. I know I just saw her, but...
-+Le Texts+-
L- Hey beautiful
A-What do you want now
L-Just to talk, why are you so grumpy?
A- Katelyn got kicked out (literally) and now she's @ my place
L- Harsh, ttyl then
A- bye
I feel sorry for her. Maybe she'd be on the roof... I'll climb up later.
I lead Katelyn to the guest bedroom. "This is your room for the night, bathroom is to the right, my room is to the left. Goodnight!" I say. "Peace." I walk into my room. I decide on my pink pj shorts and a tank top for tonight's attire. I yawn, walking into the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I get back I lie down in bed. Then I hear a tap at my window. Tap tap tap. I smile and get out of bed again. "Did you really miss me that much?" I crack open the window. "Of course beautiful," a familiar voice says. Laurance. "I don't know if I want to go up there, I mean aft-" "I won't let you go," he interrupts me. "Alright," I say tentatively. He hoists me up onto our shared roof. "Hi." He looks at me with such joy and admiration. What did I do to deserve him? I smile back, "Hello." We sit, legs dangling over the roof. Simply talking to each other.
Don't call me shallow, but I can't listen to her. I'm just staring into those big, beautiful, amber eyes. "Laurance, what did I just say?" she retorts. Uh oh. "That you love me?" I guess. She pokes my ribs, "No!" she hides a small smile. "What?! I'm listening." Her smile grows, "Nope, now you'll never know!" she says between giggles. "Hey Aphmau, are you, by any chance ticklish?" That makes her get real serious, "You wouldn't dare." I smirk wiggling my fingers at her. She squeals scrambling to get inside the window. I grab her around the waist. "You can't get away from me that easily," I say. She kisses my cheek, "I should go to sleep." I give her the puppy eyes. "Oh no! Not the puppy eyes! I'm powerless against them." I chuckle and swing her back onto the roof. "Do you?" I ask. "Do I what?" she asks staring at the moon. "Love me," I simply state. She seems a bit shocked at my being straightforward. Then she relaxes, putting a head on my shoulder, "With all my heart." I smile. I lift her chin with two of my fingers. "As do I." I kiss her. I feel her smile though both our eyes are closed. She loves me.

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