Chapter 12: A Catch

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We kiss, actually kiss. Not a gross sloppy one from middle school, but an actual kiss. Not to long either. Perfect. I pull away and smirk, "I got you." She winks, "Yeah ya did, let's go you're the one with the plan!" Wow. "Alright." I pulled out of the parking lot and started driving to the place. It wasn't fancy, but it was very me. We drove up and saw the sign, Community Steak House. Mmm. "So this is the kind of place you eat at?" she asks. "Y-yeah," I say. I'm crestfallen, I thought she would love it. "Come on lover boy! I'm starving!" she smiles. Yeah, she's a keeper. We get in and sit down at a table. The waiter comes, "Hey Laurance, your usual?" He says. "You know me to well Dale." I laugh. He was a family friend. I pretty much grew up here. "I'll take the chicken wings," Aphmau says. "Spicy or nah?" Dale replies. "Spicy," she says with a smirk. "I wouldn't." I try to warn her. "I can take it." Okay. If she thinks she can, best way to learn is by experience.

I talk with Laurance about a bunch of random junk. Weather, music, books, childhood. "Well, I don't like to talk about it, but when I was 11 I got a concussion. I can't remember much of anything from my childhood," I say. "A-Aphmau I'm so sorry, I can't imagine." It really wasn't that hard. "I didn't remember anything, therefore I didn't have to cope. My mom and dad were hit harder than I was," I say. "I still can't imagine..." He trails off. "Oh our food is here!" I say. Trying to change the subject. "If you ever need someone to talk to, know I'm here." "I know Laurance, I wish I could be the-" he cuts me off. "Aphmau, you being here, with me," he motions around him, "that will make me the happiest man alive." I start crying. Not from sadness, but from pure joy. "Aphmau do you want to go home?" He asks timidly, "No, just give me a moment." I sniffle. I take a bite of my chicken wings. Hmm, they have a bit of kick in them. I look up to notice Laurance sitting across from me, wide eyed and mouth opened. I shrug and go back to my food. "What are you?" He asks sarcasm evident. "I'm an alien from the planet bloop!" I exclaim, giggling. "Seriously, how do you eat that?" I look down at my plate, "I don't know, perhaps it isn't as spicy as you say it is?" I ask jokingly. "Garroth, Dante and I have contests seeing who can eat one without crying!" he exclaimed miffed. "Well, let's just say I have a high tolerance." Yeah, I do. I can eat a ghost pepper with no milk. We resume eating our meal. It's really good. Soon, Dale, was it, comes back. "Want dessert little lady?" He asks. I notice how he doesn't even have to ask Laurance. "I'll have what that idiot's having," I whisper out of the side of my mouth. He laughs loudly, it's contagious. I start laughing too. "What?!" Laurance asks. We start laughing louder. "She's a catch," Dale says. It's directed toward Laurance, but I can't help but smile at him. He smiles back. A catch, eh?

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