Chapter 8: BBQ

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I woke up around 9, going to put on pj pants and a tank top. I just want a relaxing day. Then I receive a text from Aaron.
-+Le Texts+-
Aa: Hey Aphmau.
Ap: Hi Aaron, what's up?
Aa: The guys and I are having a bar-be-que tonight. Laurance wanted me to ask if you were coming.
Ap:Sure, what time?
Aa: 6 work?
Ap: see ya then!
Aa: Kk
I sigh and go downstairs. I prepare some lunch. Afterward I sit at my dining room table eating my PB&J. I begin to let last night creep into my thoughts. How did Laurance get me back home? D-did he carry me? I don't want to think of that. Hmm.. I wonder, does he like me the same way I like him? Was that just a courtesy date? Now I'm all depressed. I text Katelyn and Nicole to ask if they're coming. Of course they are! I mean they've been neighbors for longer than I have. I sigh. At least they make me all feel welcomed. I finish my sandwich and wash my plate off. Then I go upstairs to read my book. I wanted to finish Midnight Laurance got me hooked. I go onto the internet and start reading my e-book. It was so interesting. When Tedward Culinary was found in her room I flip! Oh my gosh! You don't do that!? Well... then again, if it was Laurance I would blush and wouldn't say anything. For peat's sake I couldn't say anything! I get so flustered when we're alone. It's a good feeling. Warm, good. Yet, I act like an idiot. I turn back to the book.

-+Time skip+-

By the time I have to get ready I'm on chapter 9, Philosophies. When I get up I see something in the corner of my eye. It's a note. Scrawled in messy handwriting it reads

"Hello Aphmau,

It's me. (; After the Bar-B-Que climb onto your roof. Don't worry I won't let you fall.


Hmm, why the roof? As long as its safe... I put on purple athletic shorts and a graphic tank top. Afterward I fixed my hair in a high pony-tail. I looked myself over once more then headed outside. I heard music from the backyard and smelt smoke. I walk to the front door, but before I could knock Garroth opens it for me, "Hello Aphmau," he says smiling. "Oh! Hi Garroth!" I exclaim walking with him to the back porch. I see a small fire pit. I smell marshmallows somewhere. I might need to find them later heheh. I spot Laurance. I sneak up behind him, "Hi Laurance!" I say giggling. He half jumps out of his skin. "Oh, h-hey Aphmau," he says turning around. "Something wrong?" I ask concernedly. "Naw, you just scared me," he retorts poking my nose. Dante starts the grill hotdogs and hamburgers. They smell wonderful! I lick my lips and Laurance laughs, "Quite hungry, aren't we?" he asks between chuckles. "Hmph," I say, irritated. We sit down next to the fire staring into it. I put my head on his shoulder. He's so warm, even though the sun is beginning to set. Cadenza walks into the backyard, "I'm here my royal subjects, you may bow!" she exclaims holding up a paper sack. "What's that?" curiosity unmistakable in my voice. "I brought some lights to decorate, I tried to get here early, but traffic is crazy," she says sighing. I stand up to help her. I don't realize Laurance and I are holding hands until I get up. I blush and walk over to Cadenza who is untangling a strand. I work on the next one. "Are Katelyn and Nicole here yet?" Cadenza asks. "Nope, probably finishing something," I say finally getting the last knot. I string the lights around the fence while Cadenza plugged them in. It was beautiful. I walked back to the fire. Laurance was putting another log on it. I pull off a leaf of a nearby shrub and hold it under the warm flames. It turns a deep purple, with golden edges. Something so beautiful, so fragile, turned into a deeper beauty, even more fragile, yet with such pain. I turn to see Laurance staring at me. I realize I've been staring into space. Oops. "What are you thinking about?" he asks scooting toward me. "N-nothing," I say embarrassed. I feel so stupid. He grabs my wrists and looks into my eyes. I blush, our faces are so close. "I was thinking about th-the leaf and how it burns..." I trail off. He releases my wrists chuckling. The whole group is staring at us. I blush an even darker shade. Everyone acts as if they weren't staring. Garroth walks inside, he seems to be upset, I wonder what about... "Excuse me for a moment," Laurance says following Garroth inside. All of a sudden I'm ambushed by an army consisting of Cadenza, Nicole, and Katelyn. They ask questions and I just stare into space. Those eyes, so blue. His face was so close I could've- "APHMAU!" the girls squeal in unison. "I ship it, Laurmau," Cadenza says writing on her hand. I sigh, alright then.

-+Laurance's POV+-

I chase Laurance inside. He has locked himself in his room. "Garroth let me in," I say exhaustion evident in my voice. "No," he grumbles. "You're acting like a child," I say. He unlocks the door and slinks back to his mini-couch. I step inside and close the door behind me. "She'll choose whoever she wants to be with," I declare. "If that's the case I'll never get close to her! I've seen the way she looks at you! She's already chosen!" he whisper yells. "I-" I begin. Has she already chosen? Did she love me the way I already knew I do. "Well you can't give up, keep fighting," I say choosing my words carefully. I didn't want to give her up, but if she didn't choose me, I wanted her to be happy. "R-really?" Garroth stuttered astonished. "Yeah, but just know I'm not giving up so easily," I say with a smirk. He says he wants to stay up here, but to text him when its marshmallow time. I go down to see that Aphmau has been surrounded. I chuckle, "Your knight in shining armor is here to save you from the clutches of the evil Cadenza!" I proclaim. Cadenza glares at me. I just laugh harder. The girls scurry away whispering things to Aphmau I can't quite hear. "Thank you Sir Zvahl," she says between giggles. We go to the dance floor. Cadenza sneaks over to the IPod and purposely plays a slow song. She pushed Nicole and Dante together and then blushes and grabs Aaron's hand. We all dance as the sun sets...

UGH ANOTHER ONE?! Ik Ik, I just wanted to get all of you hyped for Sunday's issue... What will happen on the roof? Will Laurance finally kiss Aphmau? Will she kiss him back?! Ack questions...

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