Chapter 4: Complications

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I stare at my navy blue ceiling. I can't stop thinking about her. Aphmau. Now that I know her personality is equally as beautiful as her physical appearance I love her even more. We danced together all evening, only stopping to eat, and of course, spying on Nicole and Dante. She wasn't like the girls in my home town, Meteli. No. This was much different. "Hmm, I wonder if she likes me back?" I wonder aloud just as Garroth walks by. "Who likes you-" he continues to list off all the names of all the girls I've dated. I wasn't really listening: I was deep in thought. I thought about all the times they interacted. Garroth, and her... He was normally so calm, but with her- "Doylu like her?" I cut him off." He looks baffled, "E-excuse m-me?" I get a tiny bit irritated, "You heard me, do you like Aphmau?" He was so startled I began to laugh. Then the realization came upon me. He does. "Garroth? You do don't you," I say flatly. He sighs, "Yes. I think I do," he says, almost in a whisper. "Promise we won't let her come between us," I request, "Promise that you'll let me win," I say punching him in the arm. "I don't think I can promise the second," he chuckles, but gets very serious, "yet for the second you have my word," I wish him good night and return to my bed. Hmm this complicates things... I intend to make her mine, but Garroth is me best friend and I don't want to damage that friendship. May the best man win.

I walk down my street in an effort to wake myself up from my slumber. I slept in until 11:30. Uggh, I was up so late. A minute later Laurance jogs by. "Hey aphmeow," he says petting my head like a cat. "Ha ha very funny," I giggle. "So how's it going?" I notice he doesn't have a shirt on and my face turns a fierce shade of red. "It's great I had a dream about you," he says slowing down to match my pace. He starts laughing really hard. I stop. "What?" I make a curious face. He continues to laugh, "What?!" I demand my blush deepening. "It's just, you look so cute when you blush," he's become shy throughout his words. "W-well thank you," I say brushing a bit of dirt off my collar. "Here, allow me," he says as he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear. He lets his fingers linger there for a bit too long. I look away, embarrassed. Wait, why am I embarrassed? "Aphmau look at me," he says intensely, "I believe I've already told you I loved you," I sigh. "I j-just wanted to let you know that O don't expect you to love me back. All I want to know is that you'll promise me that I can always be there for you." He wants to protect me? I remember my thought I had last night before I drifted to bed. Laurance looked so worried, waiting for you to say something. "L-look-" I begin before he cuts me off, "I really do under-"
It was my turn to interrupt him. I attempted to quiet him with a kiss, but he picked me up instead. "Laurance! Put me down!" He had thrown me over his shoulder and was parading down the street. "A gentleman always walks a lady home," he says simply as if we aren't already causing a scene. I am suddenly glad the neighborhood is gated and only people who I consider to be friends live inside of it. I sigh and start drawing designs on his bare back. I draw letters, symbols, numbers. Eventually he starts chuckling, "Hey! I'm ticklish!" Hmmm I hatch an escape plan. I start tickling the spot and while he's laughing his head off, I slip out of his grip, "Ha ha!" I smile up at him, " I have escaped the evil clutches of Laurance!" He suddenly smirks, uh oh. I know that look. "Say Aphmau, would there be a possibility that you were ticklish?" Oh no. "Ummmm," I say. I don't want to lie, but I obviously don't want to be the victim of a tickle attack. "There may be a slim possibility," I say. He smirks and begins to chase me down our col-di-sac. He catches me quickly and we tumble to the ground laughing. "So what do you say to a date this Friday?" He asks wiggling his eyebrows. "If I say yes will you let me go?" I say. He has me pinned to the ground in the grassy front yard of my home. "Hmmm, I don't ever want to let you go," suddenly serious. "I-" I say, I'm speechless. The suave ladies man is just a front, he seems deep. Like some one who you would find in the library. He rolls over and stares at the sky. "What does that one look like?" he says pointing to one of the white puffy clouds in the sky. "I think it looks like a flower," I say the petals forming with the wind. He reaches over and picks one of the little clovers and sticks it in my dark black hair. "You know I wasn't just saying that you were beautiful right? You truly are." I blush. "You're doing it again," he says leaning closer to my face. I turn away looking up towards the sky. It's a beautiful summer day. Not to hot. For a while we just watch the clouds. I don't know when it happens, but he slips his fingers into mine. I draw designs on his stomach and he plays with my hair, braiding it, wrapping it around his fingers. He tells me about his older sister who insisted he do the same for her. "You met her at the party, right? She can be a bit bossy, but she's a great person," he says. "I'd love to get to know her better!" I say. Eventually we part ways at sunset. When I get inside I suddenly feel cold. Without him I'm always cold. I sigh when I realize I didn't get lunch, "I'll just order a pizza," I think aloud. "Make that two!" Katelyn and Nicole chorus back to me. "You. Have. To. Tell. Us. Everything." They say and sit me down on the couch.
Okay from now on I'll be doing only Aphmau and Laurance's' POVS. Please tell me if you like this idea. Also on occasion I'll do Garroths... maybe.

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