Chapter 2: Dancole (Dante x Nicole)

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"Yeah, that's my name. Don't wear it out," he says winking at me. I blush, such an idiot. "So why are you here?" I ask, stepping outside, and closing the door so Katelyn wouldn't mock me. "Well the guys told me you said hello, and I wanted to return the favor," I laugh at that. He's so funny, why am I not funny? Ugh! "Well that's sweet of you," I say. Is my face as crimson as I think it is. Uh oh. "Also, I wanted to see if you wanted to, ya know-" he pauses, looking up at me, "Maybe hang out sometime?" Of course I wanted to! "Yeah, sure." Yes! Cadenza and Katelyn are going to freak. "I have to go. I promised Laurance and Garroth I would tell them everything," he winks and sprints down the steps. On is way down the street he does this little happy dance. I laugh. I walk inside and smile at Katelyn. She gives me a look I know all to well... "Tell. Me." My smile grows and hers does too. "What?!" she squealed. "Weeeeell," I race upstairs her chasing me. "Nikki!" She yells after me. I stop and turn around. "He may or may not have asked me to 'hang out,'" I giggle up a storm. "Oh. My. Gosh," she says. "Wait hang out hang out, or hang out?" I contemplated the situation. "Well I don't know?! You're the one who has dated since middle school!" She sighs. "I don't want to talk about this," I know she didn't, but I am still bubbly. Then the doorbell rang. We smiled at each other. "Maybe this time it's you getting asked out," I lightly punch her.



I am eating my brownies and binge Netflix. Yeah, maybe I should have a house warming party. After all I am already unpacked. Maybe I could make more sweets. Hmm. I get out a pad and a pen. I start writing down what I would need. Cake mix, sparkling apple juice, banner, and more food. I was running out of cold pizza, and brownies aren't what I would call a balanced diet. I should invite the guys, and of course Katelyn and Nicole. Maybe if they wanted to bring people they could. I'm looking forward to meeting new friends here in Phoenix Drop. Even though I used to live in the country the city always appealed to me. The party should be tomorrow at 6:45. Maybe dinner would be a good idea...


I sit on our couch only half listening to Dante tell his story about asking Nicole out. I laugh when Garroth does. Aphmau, what an exotic name. She was so pretty. I sigh. "Hey lover boy," Dante calls, "Earth to Laurance," Huh? Oh yeah, there are other people. "Yes Mr. AskingNicoleOut?" I laugh. "What's on your mind Laurance?" Garroth asks. "Just thinking about the new girl, didn't you think she was pretty hot, Garroth," he grumbles a bit at my statement. "I d-don't think about her l-like that!" He says startled. Which means he totally does. "Whatever happens we'll always be brothers," I nod to Dante, "All of us." I sigh and head toward the stairs. "I'm going to finally finish my book. Congrats Dante," I race upstairs, book in hand. The book I'm reading isn't very 'manly' as Dante would put it. I just can't go my whole life without reading something without a sports star on the cover. Those books, magazines, whatever they were; they were so shallow. I plop down on my bed and start reading my tattered copy of 'The Book Thief' I sigh as I read. The tragedy, the heartbreak, the love of Lisle and Rudy through it all. It makes me want to hold the things I love closer. I set it down and take off my reading glasses. Maybe I should hold the new girl close. I mean she was too beautiful to be in this I mean she belongs in Hollywood, London, Paris, anywhere other this old place. Phoenix Drop. I chuckle. I can never seem to get outta this place.


I stare up out of the window. Everyone here seems so nice. Well that one guy, Laurance, but there was something there, some good. I smile. He was pretty cute. I start giggling now. Garroth seemed really sweet too. I shouldn't think about that now. I need to sleep so I can get ready for the party in the morning.



I wake up to the bird chirping. I sigh, got to get up and start a new day! I put on my favorite purple top, and black jean shorts. I get into my little car and drive off. At the store I pick up all of the things I need. Cake mix, sparkling apple juice, banner, and more food. I go to the check out. Uh oh, Mr. Casanova is in line. I giggle as I pull in behind him. "Oh my beautiful has resorted to following me to see me now?" he laughs, "Good morning Aphmau," I smile up at him "Good morning Laurance." We both unload our carts, reload them and head to our cars. "It was lovely seeing you!" I giggle, he really is sweet. "Oh! I almost forgot, I'm having a party tonight. Would you and the guys like to come?" He makes a funny face, "We just met and you're asking me out?" he says. "I-I didn't m-mean it like a date," I stammer while unloading my cart. He comes to help. "You're just like Garroth when you get nervous," he tweaks my nose. "So will you come?" I say a little to eagerly I think. "I'll be there, I can't say the same for the other guys though," he says closing the car's trunk. "It truly was nice seeing you," he says smiling. "As of you," I say between giggles. "see you tonight!" and I jump into my car. He is sweet. I sigh. Oops, got to get moving: don't want to be to obvious. Wait, obvious of what? I can't answer that... I drive home. I put down my groceries, and get to work. Chopping vegetables, boiling pasta, putting up decorations: purple of course! When everything was ready and cooling, I walk to Katelyn and Nicole's house. I knock, and Nicole answers it. "Hey Aphmau, come inside," she whispers. I walk in. Wow, their house is cool. A lot of sports equipment sits in a corner. "Okay, great news!" I follow her to the couch and sit with her, "What?" I say excitedly for her. "Well, Katelyn said she had already spilled the beans about me liking Dante." That was true. She had, I hoped Nicole wouldn't be mad at her. "Well he got back last night, and came over. Aphmau!" she squealed, "He asked me out!" she was so excited I felt excited too! "Congrats!" I remembered my task at hand. "I have the perfect place for you two to go!" She looked intrigued, "Do tell Aph," I smiled, I like that nick name! "Okay, well tonight I'm having a house warming party, you, Katelyn, and the guys are invited, but you can bring anyone." She squeals, I smile half laughing. "KATELYN GET DOWN HERE!" she bounds downstairs "Where's the intruder?" she says doing a fake ninja pose, and laughing. "No intruder, but we've been invited to a party!" "A party? Where," she notices me, "Oh so you are doing that house party thing, cool." Yup, that's me; cool, definitely, me, cool. "Yeah it's at 6:30," oops, forgot to tell Laurance, I'll text him in a minute. "Sounds good!" Katelyn says, "Is there dinner?" "Yup, you'll be happy to know I make a pretty good chocolate cake too," "Mmmm," she groans.

To be continued...

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