Chapter 16: Beach (Part 1)

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I sigh, summer is almost over. Of course I'm excited to start school with all my friends, but I'll miss the free time, endless sleep, and of course, Laurance. I smile to myself. He's been good the past month, only texting me if he really needs something. Yet, I miss his boyish smile. We're going to the beach today. I'm already packed up. I've got my sunscreen, towel, umbrella, snacks, drinks, and beach ball. Right then I hear a knock at my door. It's Dante, he's come to gather Nikki, Katelyn, and me. We walk over to Garroth's Jeep. My white one-piece bathing suit makes my legs stick to the backseat. My bag gets put in the trunk with the rest of the luggage. Air rushes around me as we pull out. Laurance seems to notice, and he puts his arm around me and pulls me close. I blush when Katelyn and Nicole start oohing. "You look cute when you're embarrassed," Laurance teases between chuckles. I lightly slap his other arm. He laughs louder. Soon the whole vehicle is laughing, all of us for different reasons.
The next few hours are filled with music, laughs, and friendship.
Nicole and Katelyn rush toward the flat to call top bunks. I really don't mind, either way. I jump out. Laurance whispers in my ear, "Just wait 'til you see the stars out here." I smirk, "I can't wait until I hear all your corny pickup lines like," I attempt to imitate him, "'Oh Aphmau, but your eyes are more beautiful than the stars,' or 'Aphm-" Laurance shakes his head. I laugh. We walk hand-in-hand to the flat. It's beautiful, there are two stories. A chandelier dangles from the top story. It belongs to Garroth's dad. I run up to the room Katelyn and Nikki are staying in. They've both got the top bunks. I pick the one under Nicole. I start to unpack my bag into one of the chests of drawers. Nicole and Katelyn have a competition of 'who can jump farther off their bunk.' "Is that really safe?" I ask. "We've done this plenty of times. Plus, we can survive punches from wrestlers. Let alone falling 5 feet." Katelyn. I look toward Nicole. The only response to my dubious look is a "Weeee," as she jumps off the bed. I sigh, and walk downstairs. I might as well soak up the last of the sunshine while I can. I walk across the boardwalk. The boys are off playing volleyball. I laugh as Laurance waves at me, and gets hit in the head by the ball. I walk over to a deserted spot on the beach to stare at the ocean sunset. It's beautiful. I turn away to watch the boys play basketball. Laurance with his goofy smile, Dante with his crazy determination, and Garroth with his
half-courageous half-shy demeanor. Laurance jogs over, "Hey," he says. "Hi." I wrap my arms around my legs. I make myself as small as I can. Maybe the tide will carry me away. Laurance chuckles. "What?" I inquire. "Nothing, just you," he replies. I pout, "I'm nothing?" I bat my eyes. He roars with laughter. "No Aphmau, you're my everything." Well now I'm blushing. He chuckles. I turn to look at the ocean. It's so pretty with all the oranges, pinks, and blues mixed together in big swirls. The ocean is where I grew up in my teen years. I feel safer here. I stand, "Want to go in?" Laurance shakes his head, "Umm, no thanks. I- nevermind. You go in without me." "What aren't you telling me?" I squint at him. "Alright, alright," he says putting his hands up in mock surrender, "I, um, can't swim," he says quietly. I can barely hear the words over the roar of the ocean. "Come on, I'll teach you," I say. I walk into the warm ocean, being careful of all the shells on the seafloor. He wades in after me. We only go up to our waists. I suddenly turn around and splash him. "Hey!" he exclaims. I giggle, running through the water. He chases me away from the others.

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