Chapter 13: The Girl

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I open the door for Aph as we leave the restaurant. "Thank you Sir Zvahl," she says with a chuckle. I smile back, giving a short bow. We get into my car. I turn on my favorite CD. I turn it to the best track. I turn to see Aphmau tapping her foot to the beat. I chuckle, and begin to sing. She does the high vocalist part. I do the low part. We sing, our voices sounding perfect in harmony. Finally, when I pull up in front of her house. I hop out. "Hey, tonight was fun," I say scratching the nape of my neck. "Y-yeah," she says bouncing on her heals. She stares at me intently. What does she- oh. I put my hand on her back and she stands on her tip-toes. Then I throw her over my shoulder. "LAURANCE!!! PUT ME DOWN!" She screams punching my back.

I was about to kiss the guy and he throws me over his shoulder! I laugh, he laughs. We walk up my path and he puts me down. "Goodnight Aphmau," he says opening the door. "Goodnight Laurance," I say. Before he leaves I peck him on the cheek and dash inside. "A-," he says before I quietly close the door. A minute later there is a knock. "Let me in, let me in, let me in!" the voice from behind it squeals. I open the door to find Katelyn. I let her in and she lies on the floor. "Uhh, Katelyn?" I ask, sort of concerned. "I'm fine, Nikki just kicked me out for spying on her and Dante," she says, her voice hoarse from screaming. "Ok, you wanna crash here?" I ask. "If it's okay with you," Katelyn replies pulling out her phone. "Totally!" I exclaim. "Have you eaten?" I ask. "Yeah, I just want Nicole to forgive me." "I'm sure she will. She knows you were just having fun," I reassure her. "I know, but I knew it was wrong and did it anyway," she says. What would dad say? He was one of the first sassy lawyers ever, and he was well known for his sassiness. He always said, 'If you can't win an argument, you shouldn't have gotten into it in the first place!' Great advice dad, especially for the girl who can't keep herself out of an argument.

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