Chapter 15: I've been waiting

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I stretch under a blue sky. What? That's not my ceiling. I look round to see that I'm on my roof. Oh. I must have dozed off while I was stargazing. My back and neck are stiff. I climb into my window. Dante spins around in my desk chair, "I've been awaiting your arrival." I burst out laughing. "Seriously, dude, where were you?" he asks. "I slept on the roof... don't ask," I say. I rub my eyes groggily. "I'm asking man." "I fell asleep stargazing, don't judge." He sighs, "Whatever." I laugh and walk over to my desk to find my web history open. "DANTE! COME BACK HERE!" I yell. He runs out the door. I sigh, clearing all my watch history. All the Laurmau fan fictions. Gone.

I send Katelyn over to apologize to Nicole. Finally, a moment of peace.... Now I'm bored. I guess I just like to help people. Yet, I hate doing things constantly. I walk upstairs and get on my computer. Hmm YouTube.m, what do you have for me today? I click on a channel called 'House_Owner.' Well at least he isn't homeless. I receive a text message.

L- Hey
A-Ugh, what now?
L- That happy to see me, eh?
A- I'm sleepy. I was up late.
L- Wonder why
L- Alright. Just wanted to note that classes start next week @ Phoenix U.
A- Wow. This summers gone by fast.
L- Yeah.. Wanna go to the beach with the guys and I? Katelyn and Nicole can come too.
A- Alright.

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