Chapter 11: Literally

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/Time Skip (3:30 Friday)\
I walk inside from my run. Phew that was long. I ran a 5K (3.1 miles.) Laurance 'accidentally' bumped into me. I hop into the shower. I hate warm showers after being out in the heat. Yet I hate cold showers more, for obvious reasons. I get out and wrap a towel around myself. Then go into my closet to find a cute outfit. While I was with Laurance he asked if I wanted to go roller blading later. I, of course, said yes. I pick out a white crop-top, and some jean shorts that reach my knees. I style my hair in a French braid. I can't bother with make up. Too sleepy. I stare at my watch, it says 4:10. Laurance is picking me up at 5, so I decide to call Nicole. It goes straight to voicemail. Huh... I then call Katelyn...
(K-Katelyn A-Aphmau)
K- omg Aph, this is too good!
A- What?!
K- *her voice drops to a whisper* I am currently spying on Nicole and Danter
K- shhhh
A- Ugh fine
K- they're so awkward and adorable! SQUEE!
A- shhh! This is a side of you I've never seen, well heard, before...
K- Everyone has a fangirl side, you, of all people should know that
K- uh oh they've spotted me ABORT ABORT!

I hear muffled screaming from the other end and decide to hang up. Those girls. I chuckle to myself. I hear a knock at my door. It's a girl with blonde hair and glasses. "Hello?" I inquire, "I don't believe we have met before." She extends a hand, "Emmalyn. I go to Phoenix Preparatory," she states. "Hey! That's my school!" I exclaim, excited to make new friends. "I know, I work at the front office for extra credit." Oh. She's on of these people. Well, everyone is one of those people from time to time, aren't they? "Cool!" I say. "I just wanted to come over and introduce myself! Nice meeting you," she says. "As of you." I reply. As she leaves I see a boy with brown hair and brown eyes with flecks of green in them. I smile and wave. He nervously waves back. I close my door and giggle. People here are so nice. Nothing like where I'm from... Jase- Suddenly I hear a knock at my door. I open it to find Laurance. "Hello lover boy," I giggle. "Hey beautiful," he says winking. I take his outstretched hand and walk to his car. It's a light blue prius, matches his eyes. I giggle to myself. "Whatcha thinking about?" He asks turning up the radio. "Nothing," I say, smiling. Suddenly the song Lights comes on. "I love this song!" We both exclaim at the same time. I giggle, his chuckles matching mine as we sing. By the end of the song our faces are so close I could just- he puts his foot on the gas, slamming into reverse, and pulling me out of the trance. "Almost got me," I say with a smirk. "Almost..." he trails off. That flirt. We drive for 15 minutes, the radio blaring. "After this you want to go out to dinner?" he asks slyly. "Kk," I say. Wonder what he has planned. We go to the skating rink. He pays, such a gentleman. We walk in and he sits me on the counter. "What size are you?" He asks. "8," I reply. "Okay be right back!" He exclaims with a wink. A girl with pink hair walks up, "Hi, Kawaii~Chan wanted to introduce herself!" The girl, who I'm assuming is Kawaii~Chan, says perkily. "I'm Aphmau, do you go to Phoenix Preparatory?" I ask. "Yes, Kawaii~Chan does!" Man this girl is perky. "Do you live next to Dante~Kun?" Kun? Huh? "Yeah I live right next door to Dante," I say.

I see Aph and Kawaii~Chan sitting together. Uh oh. "Hey babe," I say. She looks baffled. I mouth the words, 'Go with it.' "Hi sweetie!" She says, walking up to me and putting her arm around my shoulder. "Why am I doing this?" She whispers out the side of her mouth. Still smiling at Kawaii~Chan the whole time. "Go with it," I whisper. "Kawaii~Chan; Aph, and I have to continue our date," I say, glancing behind me. "Okay bye Laurance~Kun, bye Aphmau~Senpai," Kawaii~Chan says. She looks a little sad, maybe I shouldn't be so mean. I walk away with Aphmau in tow. "What was that about?!" She demands, now facing me. "Well it's a long story." Yeah. It was. I put on my skates, standing up. "We got time," she says as I pull her up. I almost forgot about my horrid skating skills. I wobble, walking to the rink, Aph on my arm. "Well I used to live in Meteli, so did Kawaii~Chan," I begin my tale, "She had the biggest crush on me back then. Just a note-" I say before she interrupts me. "I don't care about the notes tell me," she fake whines. "Okay, okay, well she liked me, and naturally, I didn't like her back. I turned her down, but she continued to like me. She has persistence, I'll give her that. Now I think she likes Dante, but it's still really awkward." She looks at me, "That's what you're worried about?!" She exclaims mystified. "Yeah." I scratch the back of my neck. "Silly," she punches me jokingly. I fall down. Did I mention horrid skating skills? "Omg I'm so sorry!" She says skating over to me. Perfectly, of course. I take her hand and let her help me up. I continue to fall down, embarrassing myself. after the hundredth fall she simply says, "How about we go get dinner." I chuckle, leading her over to the counter. We return to the car. "Sorry, I made a fool of you," I say. "Really?!" She is exasperated, "You?! The most perfect person in this universe is worried about embarrassing himself in front of ME?! A simple girl!" Wow. She thinks I'm perfect? A-and she thinks she's less than me. "Hey, y-you know that you're the perfect one in this car right?" I stutter. See?! I'm the embarrassment. "No, just look at you," she says leaning a bit closer. "Can't we just agree that we're both equally idiotic, and move on?" I say. I don't want to fight with some one who's going to be a sassy lawyer. I lean a bit closer. Closer. Our faces are almost touching and...

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