Chapter 17: Beach (Part 2)

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I wake up with the sound of crashing thunder through my window. The wind blew, creating big waves. I guess that there'll be a big storm today. I change into a purple tank top and white jean shorts. Katelyn groggily moans from her bunk. I chuckle, there is no waking up that girl when she's asleep. I walk downstairs; entranced by the wafting smell of pancakes. I stumble into the kitchen. I'm still half asleep. Garroth and Dante snicker as I sit down on a bar stool. I wait until someone brings me a plate of pancakes to say anything, "Thank you." I look up at the face to see Nicole. She says, "Hello." I nod in reply. Laurance and Katelyn are the only ones not awake. Laurance walks downstairs. He kisses me on the cheek as he walks by. I put on a goofy smile. The guys start ooohing. Laurance hits them both over the head. Now it's my turn to snicker. Nicole joins in.
After breakfast Dante and Nicole go start a puzzle on the dining room table. Garroth goes and turns on Netflix. Laurance insists on going to this one shop that I'll absolutely love. I grab a rain coat and get into the front seat of the jeep. Laurance sits in the driver's seat. We start the engine, and drive to the small town. It's so cute! There are little shops everywhere! "Which one did you want me to see?" I wonder aloud. "Well, there is one, but we can look around here. If you want, of course," he says. I nod eagerly. We walk through the shops, sharing an umbrella, trying on weird hats, laughing, and having fun. I ended up with a coral scarf, and a Coke in a glass bottle. Laurance got some sunglasses, and a Coke. Finally we got to the store that he wanted to show me.

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