Chapter 9: Rooftops

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-+Laurance's POV+-
The bar-b-que had pretty much turned into a party. I sat on my window seat waiting to climb onto my roof to meet Aph. Her black, silky hair blew in the wind. "Hello beautiful," I say sneaking up behind her and wrapping my arms around her waist. "Huh?!" She exclaims startled. She turns around my arms now resting on her lower back. "Just me silly," I tease. "I wanted to show you the view from here," I say turning my gaze to the sky, "I come here to clear my head. Think about stuff." "What type of stuff?" she asks. "Oh, all sorts of things," I say. Better to stay mysterious... "What type of stuff?" she asks playfully. "Didn't you know curiosity killed the cat?" I retort. She gives me a look. Ugh those puppy-dog eyes. She's so stubborn, she'll make a good sassy lawyer. "Fiiiine, I think about love, life, death, wealth, poverty. War and peace," I say with a chuckle. "Wow," she says. That's all she says. What is that supposed to mean? "Wow?" I ask. "It's just you come off as a crazy ladies man. And you're just you," she explains. Again. Leaving me confused. That's my job! "Hmm," I say, "You have me figured out, that's not a very safe thing to know." She sighs, but it's a happy sigh. "You know being more open wouldn't kill you," she says a tiny bit irritated. "Really?" I ask. She's the one who has me confused! "Yes really, I mean I just keep finding new layers of you," she says attempting to explain herself. "You're the one who has me confused!" I exclaim. "What? I'm an open book," she says. "I never know how to act around you. You're different," I say. She wrinkles her nose."Again you're confusing me," she giggles. "Special, more I don't know-" I trail off. "Laurance, tell me," she says. "I- I love you," I say. She inhales sharply, surprised, "I love you too." Then a cat comes out from behind the chimney. "Awwwww it's a kitty!" she exclaims skipping over to it. "Aphmau, be careful!" I yell running after her. While skipping she trips. "Aphmau!" I call out as I run to the edge of the roof. She's holding on by one hand. I grab her hand attempting to pull her up. I lay down on the roof grabbing her hands in mine. In all the chaos all she is looking at me. Just me, staring into my eyes. I stare back. I won't let go of her. I'll never let go. I pull her up keeping her close. "Th-thank you," she stutters. "Don't ever run to where I can't save you," I say looking her directly in the eye. "I-I won't," she writes.
-+Aphmau's POV+-
He pulls me in close. Closer. Our heads are so close then he turns pulls away. "Always confusing me," I say shaking my head. "It's my job!" he laughs. We walked away from each other, saying goodbye regretfully. I cast one last look at him only to see goofy smile on his face. I giggle and climb into my open window.

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