Chapter 19: Goodbye Summer

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I walk Aphmau home. She is dragging her rolling suitcase behind her. I had offered to help, but she can 'carry her own weight' as she puts it. When she gets inside I follow her. She's a bit irritable today. "Yes?" she asks, her voice resigned. "Here," I reply. Looking away as she stares at the small box in my hand. "L-Laurance I just met you, and-" What does she think I'm giving- oh. "N-no! It's not like that! Open it!" I stutter. She takes the box out of my hand. Inside of it are the earrings I've bought for her. She beams, "Oh, Laurance, you didn't have to buy these they were so expensive!" I smile, wrapping an arm around her.
Laurance and I went outside to tell everyone unpacking the news. "Everyone! Gather 'round!" I call. They do, all their faces painting a picture of curiosity. "Aphmau, and I are boyfriend and girlfriend!" Laurance announces. Immediately Laurance and I are surrounded by our friends. Except Garroth. He's leaning on his jeep looking miffed. What's his deal? My thoughts are interrupted my Katelyn and Nicole's squealing. They take you by the arms to gossip under the shade of a nearby maple tree. You laugh, talk, and enjoy the last sunlight of summer. After all, school starts tomorrow!

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