Chapter 5: What is Love?

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I wake up before the sunrises. I walk downstairs to the kitchen... I wonder is she's awake. I cook up some bacon and eggs. The guys and I can eat a lot, and I mean a LOT. We are all athletic, some of us more than others. My cooking skills are pretty good if I do say so myself. After I finish the guys walk downstairs. We all eat and Garroth goes back upstairs. He's sick. I go outside for my jog and see Aphmau. She's walking with a small husky pup. "Come on celeste!" she calls. I jog up to her "Good morning beautiful," I say covering her eyes, "Guess who?" I ask smiling. "Ummm, let me think," she says sarcastically, "Garroth? Dante? Aaron... Oh I know! It's Nicole!" she laughs out loud. I release her and she turns around in my arms. "How did you sleep last night?" I ask. "Not to good, I couldn't stop thinking about you," she says matter-of-factly. "Well same for me." I take her hand and we begin to walk down our street. "This is Celestia, my puppy-wuppy," she says in baby talk. I laugh at her little impression.


He laughs at my little joke. We walk and talk about our past. The present, and even our possible future. "I intend to make you mine, even if there are obstacles," he says stopping us, "I'll help us get through it." I feel my face turning redder. "You're..." I trail off. He's so everything. Gosh, kind, smart, brave, intelligent, and he always knows what to say. "I'm what?" he says with a smirk. "A little pest," I kiss him on the cheek and tear down the sidewalk. I run inside closing the door behind Celeste and me. I unhook her leash and let her roam my house. Then I hear a knock from behind me. I peek through the tiny hole and open the door to allow Katelyn and Nicole inside. Katelyn squeals, and Nicole hugs me. "What was that?!" they ask simultaneously. They start hitting my with all sorts of questions, 'do you like him?' 'are you guys a thing,' 'do u looove him?' by that one I snap. "Okay, okay sit down." We all walk over to the couch. "Tell us!" Nicole whines. I tell them about what had happened just now. Before they can ask me anything there was a knock on the door, "It's open!" I call. The girl from the party hesitantly steps in, "Hi, I just got a text from my brother and, he told me to come over and meet you!" You motion for her to come sit. "Your brother is very..." how do I describe him, "unique," you let a small giggle escape your lips. "That's one word for him!" Cadenza says. I can tell we'll be great friends. We chat for a while all about boys, movies, books, anything we can think of. Around dinner time I invite all of them to stay, but Nicole and Katelyn have plans. It's just Cadenza and I. After the other girls leave, "Oooh! Idea!" I say, "Do you wanna have a sleepover? We can rent a movie or something." She looks up smiling, "Sure, that'd be fun!''


OKAY, SORRY FOR THE REALLY SHORT CHAPTER, I'M RLLY SWAMPED WITH SCHOOL STUFF! Thanks for reading I'll post a long one on Tuesday.

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