Catching up with Dad & Gobber

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Hey guys guess what!! I got my two hours of time alone! So here's the next chapter, it's a bit short but hopefully it'll do.
"well you've heard about Berk let's hear about you son." dad started off, i looked at my dad. "a lot has happened to me in 6 years dad. i don't know where to begin." i said gobber put his hand on my shoulder "how bout we start from the very beginning." Gobber suggested, i nodded at this Idea. "well after i left Berk I came here, I would see Gobber and everyone else come for some survival training. i would stick around in the shadows those days just incase i picked up on something i didn't know. i started off "so that's why i felt like we were all being watched!" gobber exclaimed i nodded, then Continued on
"a month later I found Thraya and her Brother Gostov washed up on one of the beaches and starving to death. I took them to the cave i was living in at the time and took care of them until they were healthy enough to do everything on their own, then the middle of month two they wanted me to teach them how to get their own dragon, and i did. Thraya wanted a Deadly Nadder, her name is Shudderstorm. Goustov wanted a Hobblegrunt, his name was Varlathin. Month three I battled the red death to stop all the raids and as you can see lost part of my leg in the process. A year later we found mom, as soon as she saw the scar on my lower lip she knew I was her son and took us to her island, which was a two days ride, when we made it to the sanctuary Ingrid was already there, a few months later moms sanctuary was destroyed so we came here and created a new sanctuary that toothless became Alpha of and I the chief . Then Two years ago I was away looking for trader Johann because I got notice that Astrid had given him something to trade with me, a few days later I came back with the leather I needed but only to get told we had an intruder in the cells, and when I went to visit the intruder it was Heather, she was running away from her birth brother Dagur, I told her the rules of the sanctuary and she agreed to them and befriended a razorwhip that she named windshear. Then about half a year ago Eret started taking our dragons that's when we found out about Drago, I was captured along with toothless, and then we showed Eret what dragons are really like, didn't we bud!" I said petting toothless my dad and gobber started giggling
"then Eret asked if he could come to the sanctuary and live as my loyal guardian of the dragons, I agreed and after we escaped we came back here. But over time there was always a growing problem between Drago, Dagur, and I... They made the first big jump to war and the last action that has brought us here is regrettably mine." I looked down at my hands and a few pictures popped into my head as well as the blood on my hands and armor, I shook my head and looked up at my dad. "Well whatever it was couldn't have been that bad son." I shook my head and got up "you don't understand dad what I did was terrible! Even mother has a hard time thinking or talking about it she told me if I tell anyone what I had done, I wouldn't be looked at as a friend I'd be looked at like a... Never mind" as soon as I said that mom walked in, she looked at all of us and her eyes landed on me I looked at her and looked away "I'm going to bed... Good night." I said and walked up the stairs to my room shutting my door.

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