Two days

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" what do you mean he might not want to come back! Why wouldn't he?"
Dave sighed, staring blankly at his hands." I've been a huge jerk at times, I once almost... hurt him. What if he's better off without me. All I ever did was become some bipolar monster around him, I've made him cry so many times. I've broken so many promises! I can't even forgive myself for that... I just want him to be happy." Dirk wrapped his arm around Dave's shoulder." Dave, don't say that, I know you may have hurt him before but you'll try to be better to him. You regret what you did? Show him that you do, be the best boyfriend you can be." Dirk Ruffled Dave's hair as he walked into his room. Dave pulling out his phone..

" Dave is waiting for you to go back..."
" I know that... but we still have time to stay here-"
" Karkat as much as I know you want to stay here, I know that you are dying to see him again. I'm just a little replacement right now..." Karkat hit Jake on his shoulder, wiping tears away." You are not a replacement! When will you understand that. If you were a replacement I wouldn't be here right now with you, I wouldn't be sitting here right now, I would be in some other room crying. You mean a lot to me and it's hurting me that you think I would lead you on like that?! Do you want me to list everything about you I like, is that what it's gonna take for you to trust me?! I just... I..." Karkat tried to stop the flow of tears from his eyes as he got up." I don't wanna talk anymore" he walked out of the room and shut the door behind him. Jake kept his head down, walking to the door." Karkat I didn't mean it..."
He heard a soft sniffle from behind the door. "Yes you did, I just want to be alone right now." He heard thumping heading toward the bathroom, hearing the close of a door. He walked out, knocking on the door softly. " Karkat, i didn't mean to make you cry-" " well you did." " and I'm sorry! I never should've said that, it was stupid." " at least you know it was." " listen Karkat, can you please come out?" "No, I still don't forgive you. You think I would tell a 'replacement' everything I tell you? Do you truly think I would let some replacement... do the things you do to me?" Jake sighed, loosening his grip on the door knob. "I'm sorry karkat, I really do trust you. I promise I'll make it up to you, something a replacement would never do." He heard karkat grab ahold of the knob. " how would you make it up?" Jake laughed softly." Come out and I'll show you." The room went silent, the click of a lock sounding. As karkat opened the door he felt jake wrap him in a hug." I'm sorry darling I know I sometimes act like a complete wanker but I promise I'll make it up." Karkat hugged back, feeling jake slide his hands up his shirt. " that's not happening right now." Jake blushed as he pulled his hands away, stuttering slightly. " I-of course I-I knew that, I was just u-goofing around." Karkat laughed and pulled him in for another hug." Jake..." the Brit slowly slid his hands down karkat's back." Yes ~" karkat sighed and slipped out jakes phone from his pocket." Your phone's ringing, I'll get it." He slid the screen and held it to his ear. " hello?" He let go of jake, laughing softly as he felt jake wrap his arms around his waist." Karkat?why are you answering jake's phone?" He froze, making jake worry slightly." Dave... he didn't notice it ringing so I picked it up."
Jake squeezed karkat slightly, kissing his neck sweetly." Oh, well. Since you're here. I just want to say I miss you, and I'm sorry for being such a jerk to you, I can't even forgive myself for what I did. I really can't wait to see you again." Karkat managed to get out a weak response. " too..." " is everything ok? You seem different..." jake sucked on karkat's neck softly, rubbing karkat's shivering body." I'm fine... I'm just reallllly tired because we jake and I stayed up all night watching movies. It was so good~" jake grabbed the phone from the ahaky troll's hands and put it on speaker. " I'm truly sorry Dave but I'm giving karkat a quick massage so I'll have to call you back. Please do call again if you need something." He ended the call quickly." Well that was a little extreme don't you think?" Jake scoffed as he kissed karkat" what do you mean, I wasn't lying. And I did say he could call back."
He pulled karkat into the bathroom, closing the door."jake what are you-" " relax karkat it's going to be fine." Jake kissed karkat, pulling him in closer. He pulled off karkat's shirt." Jake! I need that. Please?"
Jake sighed grabbing him a towel.
He walked to the corner of the huge bathroom, knocking in a pattern. A small room opened up. Karkat walked in, a smile on His face. The dim lit room was filled with candles, and a massage table. He looked to the side to see a small bed and a stack of comics." Welcome to my' second' home. I come here to usually get away from things." Karkat sat down on the bed, looking at the jake blush. " it's beautiful..." jake smiled, patting the massage table. " thank you, but now it's ours..." karkat ran to jake, pulling him into a hug." I love you." Karkat laid down on the table, feeling something warm hit his skin." Just relax... and enjoy~" jake slowly rubbed at karkat's back, hearing small moans. He leaned down, sucking the side of his neck. " karkat let out little laughs."jakey stop,~! That tickles." " if it tickles you then what about this?~" jake jumped on the now flipped karkat and tickled him. A salvo of giggles came from the troll along with small nose twitches. Jake stopped tickling him and looked him in the eyes."you have the most beautiful laugh ever." Karkat smiled as jake kissed his cheek. " and maybe one day, you and I might have a baby. But for now, let's enjoy each other's company."
He wrapped karkat in his arms, planting small kisses on his face. He never wanted karkat to leave, he finally had someone with him. He was so happy now, he didn't want to be alone...
" Jake?" The Brit hugged onto karkat tighter, tears streaming down his face." I- I don't want to loose you..." karkat wiped the tears off of Jake's face." You're not, I promise I'll visit and I'll always call you... I know how it feels to be alone, and I wouldn't want you to go through that." They sat there, holding each other in silence.
2 days left...

Dave sat there, his heart slowly breaking. He sounded so happy, and he was laughing.of course he wouldn't want to leave... especially if he's by ja-
" Dave? I was just about to call you!"
Kankri jumped down the stairs.
" hey Kan, why is my brother here..."
Kankri laughed, hugging the blonde.
" he said that you left a note for him saying you were coming here? I don't know?"
Kankri kissed saves cheek, nuzzling into him." Why did you go out with Cronus?"
Dave froze." What do you-" "Dave... I heard you two before you left. I know I can be oblivious at times, but that was pretty clear."
Dave pulled him in closer, kissing his head." It's nothing to worry about... I just wanted to make sure you would never do something like that again. You scared me..." Kankri gave a weak smile." I'm sorry that y- you had to see me like that... it surely must have been trig... um.." Dave winced, he knew Kankri didn't say the word because of the argument. He pulled Kankri into his lap, playing in his hair." I wasn't triggered at all. What does trigger me is that you keep your words to yourself now. I love you small rants and lectures. I love everything about you..." Kankri smiled, kissing Dave passionately. " I love you too..."
They stayed like that for a while." ... you only have 2 more days..." Kankri said, sighing as he got up." What do you mean?" " I mean 2 more days until karkat comes back." He walked up to his room. " I might as well distance myself rightnow before..." Dave sighed, wrapping his arms around kankris waist." I'm not up for it, I told you that this morning." Dave pulled Kankri back down, kissing his neck." I said no Dave~"" come on baby~ you know we both want this~" Kankri pushed away, giving a scoff as he got off the couch. " you may want 'this', but you don't deserve it. Dave everything has been hectic with yelling and sneaking around. I'm sick of it. Now if you wouldn't mind, I'll be in my room."  As Kankri walked off, Dave wrapped him in a hug." I'm sorry-" " sorry will not help you this time." Kankri walked upstairs, Dave latched onto him. " Kan what do you want to do?!" The troll growled slightly, still walking." I want you to figure it out by yourself. If honestly you don't know by now..."
He pushed Dave off." ... then let me be."
"Kankri you don't, you don't mean that."
" yes I do! All I ever do is sit around here-"
" but we had that road trip!"
" a road trip for karkat, which ended in tears and screaming!"
" I still feel awful about that, Kanny... I love you."  Kankri kept his stoic face." Dave, just stop it. You don't-" " why won't you believe me?!" " I don't believe you because you always hide something or sneak around, I don't even know if I trust you anymore..." He walked off into his room, closing it softly.

" I know what it's like to be alone. And people like you shouldn't have to go through it."
Jake kissed karkat's forehead. " I love you karkat..." "I love you too"  jakes cheeks blushed as he felt karkat kiss his neck. " what are you doin-" " just experimenting~" Karkat felt Jake hovering over him." Does this experiment require ' hands on' performances?" The troll nodded into the kiss. Jake cupped Karkat's face as they deepened the kiss. Karkat giggled as Jake warped his hands around his waist. He felt Jake start to suck on his neck, leaving dark grey bruises." Jake~ it's my experiment let me do it." The Brit pulled away and stared at the troll. "What if I have an 'experiment' in mind as well?~" karkat wrapped his arms around jakes neck." Then you'll wait~" karkat pulled Jake in for another kiss, Jake rubbing his horn. "Mh!~"
Karkat felt Jake pull up his shirt. Jake traced karkat's nook teasingly. " fuck!~ Jake please d-"
Jake started to suck on karkat's neck again, hearing louder moans. " come on Jake I don't~ ah!~" karkat pushed Jake away carefully." I don't wanna do that right now! I wanted to test something out..." Jake blushed heavily, looking away." I-I'm sorry karkat I don't know what got into me-" " i-it's ok Jake. But can I please just finish my experiment?" Jake nodded, feeling karkat kiss his neck. Jake let out muffled moans. After a while karkat licked down jakes neck, sucking on his sweet spot. Jake's muffled moans grew louder. Karkat pulled away, giggling softly." I knew it!" Jake blushed harder, stuttering." W-what are you talking about?" Karkat smiled." When humans get hickeys, they're purple or red!" Jake wrapped him in a hug, laughing. "You're so adorable when you're happy..."  karkat blushed, looking away. Jake felt a tear come from his eye." Please don't go..."

Hope you enjoyed~ ❤️

Word count is now 2016

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