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Everybody stared at Karkat.dirk swaggered over, sitting in front of Karkat with a smirk on his face." Don't sweat it kid, let's just get it over with." Karkat nodded, red covering his entire face. Dirk pressed his lips onto karkat's, slipping his tongue in as he held his waist. A small moan came from Karkat before dirk stopped.  He pulled away slowly, the audience whistling and going crazy. Dave glared at dirk before he walked away. Karkat spun the bottle, his red face turning impossibly red.  Dave turned to Karkat, giving a smug look to dirk. " Da-" Dave pulled Karkat in, kissing him passionately as he slid his hands down to karkat's ass. The troll let out a soft Moan as Dave squeezed him. Dave pulled back, leaving a hand on one of karkat's. The crown went crazy as Karkat was red. Dave spun the bottle, satisfied. The crowd laughed as Daves face went pale, he had gotten Karkat again. He had lost all swagger from  that last one, he turned to Karkat, placing his hand on his cheek. He kissed him softly, feeling himself turn pink.  He felt Karkat kiss back, giving him a hard time as Karkat licked his bottom lip. Dave let out a Moan, Karkat pulled away. He laughed slightly as he turned around." Way to play it cool strider." As Karkat spun the bottle it landed back on dirk. The crowd started laughing and cheering the two on. Karkat walked over to dirk, soon being pulled into his lap. He was met with soft lips and good grips on his hips. Dirk used one hand to play with the troll's hair. He but down on karkat's lip, hearing a soft Yelp. Dirk stopped, turning karkat's red face to the crowd, securing him j. His lap with his hands. Dave rolled his eyes, he knew what dirk was doing. He was trying to show Dave how capable he is of taking his kitten away.
Dirk spun the bottle and it landed on a random girl. As the game went on Karkat started to talk to get       comfortable, too comfortable after a while Karkat wrapped his arms over dirk's, whose arms were wrapped around karkat's waist. It was Daves turn to spin the bottle and it landed on those two. Just when karkles thought he had a break. Dave walked over to the two. " so, which one?" The crowd started to chant 'both!' Wildly. Dave sighed ." Guys this is kinda incest as fuck..." bro laughed and gave Dave a stoic stare." Looks like you're afraid I'm s better kisser than you." Dave scoffed. " yeah sure. Why don't we let him decide." They pointed to Karkat. Dirk turned him over and slowly pressed his lips against karkat's. He bit a karkat's bottom lip, hearing small moans. Dirk slid his hand up to karkat's sides, touching them softly. Karkat kissed back, gripping dirks shirt. Dirk broke the kiss, leaving a panting messy haired Karkat to cover his face." Do I really have to do this..." He whispered to dirk." You don't have to, just say stop it to Dave and it's done. Dave held karkat's hand." Are you sure you're ok with this?" Karkat lowered his head and gave a quiet no. Dave sighed, wrapping him in a hug." It's ok kitten-" "don't call me that."
"S-sure" Dave wrapped his arm around Karkat protectively as he got everyone's attention." Sorry dudes, little cutie's not up to it. The crowd boo'd, making Karkat shrink back." I bet they're all too scared to go through with it."  Dave glared at the dude in the crowd the said that. He turned to Karkat and Dave."*follow my lead*" they nodded. Dave picked Karkat up, wrapping his legs around his waist, planting rough kisses on him.dirk stood up and snatched Karkat away, laying kisses down his neck and slightly pulling on his shirt, they acted like this all the way upstairs, locking themselves in a nearby room." ...sorry for doin that kit-... Karkat." " yeah little man, you seemed scared." Karkat just flipped them off and realized that they were in Gamzee's room, he was still sleeping. Karkat walked over to Gamzee, seeing his still sleeping face. He smiled, moving a price of hair out of the troll's face. "You know this guy?" Dave asked, seeing the warm smile on karkat's face." Yeah, I'll tell you later. Gamzee twitched his nose, making Karkat laugh slightly. " you seem pretty attached to that guy." Dirk said as he saw Dave get jealous." I haven't seen him in so long, I was the one who put him to sleep tonight actually." As Karkat went to go sit down, Gamzee's hand grabbed him and pulled him into the bed. Karkat yelped as he saw Gamzee pinning him down in a matter of seconds." WhErE dId YoU gO?" Karkat took a breath in. " YOU WERE SLEEPING MORON I DIDNT  WANNA WAKE YOU UP." "wHy DiDnT yOu AlL uP aNd MoThEr FuCkInG hOp In WiTh Me? " Karkat blushed, looking at a jealous Dave, and a stoic faced dirk." WE HAVE COMPANY." Gamzee turned to see Dave. "Hi ThErE-" Dave walked over to the bed pointing at Karkat and then to himself."mine" Karkat gasped as he slipped from under Gamzee." DAVE STRIDER WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!CANT YOU BE NICE FOR THREE SECONDS OF YOUR FUCKING LIFE!" Dave scoffed." Come on kitten, I've been waiting a whole month-" Gamzee got up from where he was sitting and stood next to Karkat. He pointed to Karkat and to himself, holding out to spread fingers, Karkat doing the same." dO yOu AcTuAlLy LiKe HiM?" Karkat pulled Gamzee back to the bed." YEAH..." Dave's eyes brightened." BUT TRUST ME AT THIS RATE IM GETTING OVER HIM VERY QUICKLY." Dave shrunk back. Karkat put Gamzee back in bed, tucking him in." yOu GoNnA jOiN mE?" Karkat looked to dirk for a second." HOLD ON ONE SECOND GAM." Karkat pulled dirk into the miniature bathroom and locked it." What's up little man?" " would you stop calling me that?!" Dirk chuckled." What's with dragging me here?" " where did you put Jake?" " I found an old room with a bed and I put a sock on the door knob." Good." Dirk ran his hands through his hair." About what happened downstairs, I don't know what I was-" " it's ok, it was just a game."dirk nodded." Just a game..." as Karkat reached for the door, dirk tapped his shoulder." What's wron-" dirk kissed karkat's neck. Leaving the troll with a blush on his face." I swear to gog I'm gonna kick your ass." Dirk laughed as Karkat opened the door." Get in here dave. " Karkat demanded as he pushed out the other strider. He locked the door again met with Daves blush." What's wrong kar-" Karkat plucked Daves forehead roughly." What the hell babe?!" Karkat rolled his eyes." I'm not your 'babe', got it? And I'm never gonna be if you don't stop acting like an ass. That dude you just tried to be all assertive with is the clown dude from my story. If you really wanted me back then I would think you'd stop being such a horny, jerky, strider." " I'm not horny! I just really like you god damnit! I'm only jerky because I get overprotective. I care a while fucking lot about you kitten. I know I'm not suppose to call you that but in sorry. If you hate me now than I'm ok with that, just make sure the next guy you pick is good to you, and actually cares for you." Karkat sighed, hugging Dave softly, a pout on his face." You're an asshole, you know that Dave?" Dave hugged him back tighter, kissing his head softly. " I'm your asshole- I-I mean. Ah fuck..." Karkat laughed, letting go of dave." I'm still mad at you though shitstain."
" I'm ok with that as long as I'm with you."  As Karkat opened the door he could hear Gamzee humming. " GUYS,IM GONNA STAY HERE TONIGHT, HE NEEDS ME." Dave nodded, pulling him in for a hug. As he reached his hand to grab karkat's ass when he heard a low, raspy voice. "nOt A mOtHeR fUcKiNg ChAnCe. TrY aNd I'lL rIp YoUr HeArT oUt." Dave backed up, seeing Dirk walk up to Karkat and give him a hug, wrapping one hand around his waist, the other through his hair. He hugged him for a long time, sneaking in unnoticeable kissed and hickeys. As the boys walked out of the room, they shut the door." DO YOU HAVE ANY SPARE PAJAMAS?" Gamzee pointed to a cupboard. Karkat took out an entirely large shirt, not finding pants. He pulled off his shirt and pants, folding them nearly in a corner of the room. " BrEiFs?" Karkat blushed as he slid the shirt on." FUCK OFF." He climbed into the bed, pulling the covers over himself. Gamzee pulled Karkat next to him, holding him tightly. Karkat laughed, turning to face Gamzee with a smile." GOOD NIGHT GAM." Gamzee yawned kissing karkat's head softly, wrapping him in a spooning position.

" alright everyone, party is over! Get out." The striders pushed everyone
out of the house, Dave giving one final stare to that room. " you think he'll ever take me back?" Dirk chuckled, placing a hand on Daves shoulder." If he doesn't I'll take him." Dave flipped his brother off and walked out the door.

"GAMZEE?" The troll grunted." WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT DAVE..." "I hAtE hIm, In AlL hOnEsTy." Karkat sighed." B-BuT iM sUrE hE jUsT nEeDs TiMe To UnDeRsTaNd!" "SAVE IT GAM... I JUST HOPE HE MAKES UP FOR WHAT HE DID." They soon fell asleep, wrapped in each others arms.

Dave couldn't sleep, he only though of Karkat, he was gonna make it up to him no matter what .

Two updates, one day!

Hope you enjoyed~!❤️

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