Chapter 5 | Do you remember?

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As I slowly began to open my eyes I could see the figure from before. I tried moving but my whole body had shut down on me. When the figure finally turned around I was shocked at who it was.

"G-Gare-ki? W-whe-re am... I?"

"I remember someone being in this situation already and asking me that question... Déjà vu?" He grinned slightly at me.

"O-oy where am I?" I asked him again.

"You're in the room they gave to me and Nai... why?" he answered my question but now he began walking closer to me and collapsed to his knees next to me.


I slowly walked up to [your name] and collapsed to my knees next to the bed she was lying on, gently resting my head on the space next to her arm.

"You don't remember... don't you?" The words slowly slipped out of my mouth without me knowing.

"What do you mean Gareki?" She turned her head to look at me in the eyes.

She doesn't remember... I knew it. I was sad to know she had forgotten but I guess there was nothing to do now... the past is the past, it's something you can't change no matter how hard you try. I could feel a lump forming in my throat as I fought the urge of getting up and telling her what I meant.


What does he mean by "You don't remember... don't you?" I've never met him before... although... his name reminds me of someone. That's when I remembered about the man I saw earlier when Yogi was flying us to the ship.

"When Yogi was flying us to here I saw something... a man I think, but..." I stopped to think for a little, remembering what the man looked like.

"but?" he said, signaling me to continue talking.

"He had-" I was cut off by the sound of Yogi and Nai swinging the door open. Gareki stood up quickly and stared at them with a look of 'What the hell are you doing, opening the door like that?'

"Gareki~ do you wanna go to the parade with us?" Yogi said while grabbing hold of Gareki's arm so he couldn't run.

"It'll be fun! Pleaseee~" Nai continued to say please and Yogi joined in trying to convince Gareki to come with them.

I slowly got up, now that my body had some energy back, and began to giggle at the sight of them. I looked at Gareki's face and saw a slight blush colour creeping to his cheeks.

"Gareki? D-did you just... blush?" I was so surprised it just slipped out. Realising what I said I quickly went to help Yogi and Nai convince Gareki to go to the parade with them.

"I'll go with you but Gareki has to come too!" I said with a slight grin while grabbing Gareki's arm as well and looking him in the eye.

Maybe I can find out what Gareki meant earlier about remembering something if I spend time with him?


These people are so annoying, clinging to me and trying to make me go to a parade with them. I reluctantly gave in because they'd never let me go if I refused any more.

"F-fine I'll go with you guys."

"YAY!" the three said fisting the air in victory.

"Let's go put on outfits!" Yogi said while walking out of the room.

"O-Oy you're not seriously gonna make me wear a costume!" I know I agreed to going but dressing up? I didn't agree to that! Once again I was left with my eye and eyebrow twitching at the thought while they all walked out of the room to get costumes.

"Isn't [your name] beat? She blacked out twice today... [sigh] whatever, looks like I needa get a costume. I swear if Yogi makes me dress up as something goofy i'll kill him for real!" and with that I followed the others to get a costume.

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