Chapter 18 | The 'THAT'

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Woow! Part 18 already! Thank you for reading this book~ Hope you enjoy this chapter!


"Gareki! What's the 'THAT' you're talking about?" I said, coming really close to his face.

Suddenly my back hit the floor and now I was looking directly up into Gareki's eyes. I tried pushing him off but he pushed my arms back onto the floor. His face started coming really close to mine and he had his eyes on my... lips? I saw him go to grab something from a pocket and as soon as I went to sat something he covered my mouth with the object in his hand.

"[Your name] WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP FOR LIKE 5 MINUTES!" He yelled with an annoyed face.


Author Comment: 

"Great way to ruin the moment Gareki! 

You could just hear the fangirls cheering 'KISS ME!!!' but you just crushed all their cheers. Congratulations! 

I think someone needs to teach this guy some love tips!"

Gareki: "Ttch."


"I'm gonna get off if you promise you won't talk anymore." He looked at me with a serious face.

"If you talk when I get off I'll REALLY have to do THAT." He removed his hand from my mouth and I let out a long wail as I said his name.

"Gareki~ You're horrible! Get off me~"

"Ttch." he grabbed my arms and suddenly pounded his forehead into mine.

"OOOOOWWW!!! WHAT THE HELL GAREKI???!!!" I covered my forehead and tried to roll around in pain.

"Now shut up." He got off me and began walking a little further away from me.


I walked away from her as she rolled around in pain. Damn it, didn't knock her out. I could see Yogi and fairy floss head flying towards us.

"About time!" I said while walking towards them.

"Sorry! Dr. Akari was a little occupied." Yogi replied, scratching the back of his head.

I pointed at the rolling mess on the ground "FIX HER!"

"Fix her? *hic* Whattaya mean *hic* fix her?" Dr. Akari said, hiccuping every few words.

Great, now we got an alcohol barrel over here! I facepalmed and started walking towards Yogi.

"So uh, tell me exactly, what was he 'occupied' with?" I spoke in a questioning voice as I looked at Yogi through the corner of my eye.


"DR. AKARI! WE NEED YOU!" I rushed into the room to find him and the other guys having a 'feast'.

"Oh gosh... Dr. Akari, we need you!"

I tried dragging him out but it took a while... Man he's strong!

*End of Flashback*

"Um, well... ehehe.. Um... he was 'o-occupied' with... a-...a-alco... hol..." Yogi stammered.

"I knew it, everyone here is useless!" I growled.

I walked towards [your name] and leaned down infront of her.

"Get on my back." I reluctantly said.

"Why?" she said, slightly tilting her head.

"Just do it!"

"Fine, fine." She got on my back.

"Oy Yogi, it's better if we stay down here and get an inn room. I don't think this is gonna pass too soon. Do you know any?" I looked at Yogi and he started to walk towards me.

"Yes, BUT! I need to join you too!"

"Fine, you can. But you better not encourage her to do anything stupid!" We both started walking towards the direction of the inn and soon, [your name] had fallen asleep.

After a while of walking through the town, we got to the small inn.

"One room for 3, please." Yogi said, placing the money on the counter.

The inn keeper handed us the key.

"Room number 7!" Yogi cheerfully walked up the stairs to the 7th room. It was on the left, at the end of the hallway.

"I wanna get the bed that's alone, Gareki you and [your name] can get the bunk!" Yogi jumped onto the bed with a cheerful sigh.

I placed [your name] on the bottom bunk and sat down next to her.

"I'm gonna crash." Yogi said, and like that, he fell asleep like a little baby.

"Ttch, why are they so careless?"

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