Chapter 15 | Birthday

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Waaaah~ Sorry for late update >~< I was working on some new stories and I had run out of ideas for this one! No need to worry tho! I'm back to update this with a new idea! (I'm gonna be 100% honest... The idea came when I read the last chapter again today... and I thought "Why not chuck this in? Then it just came together like POOF!" 

Hope you guys like this chapter! I made it longer to make up for the last chapter which was really short! 

Make sure to check out the new stories I'm working on~ I got a Chat Noir X Reader and a Jungkook X Reader (choice style) up! Also I made an "Updates and Stuff" and "Drawings" I think they're called so whenever I have a question or update about it's on the "Updates and Stuff" and any drawings I scan or edit on laptop are in "Drawings". 

Don't forget to Rate this chapter if you enjoyed this and comment any questions you have about something that isn't right in this chapter or something you'd like to see happen in this story, like one chapter someone commented about "How come's I'm not screaming my head of?" cuz it was where Yogi brought you up to the ship and I replied to them explaining why. I also made sure to add that into this chapter~ 

I'l l try update tomorrow or after tomorrow! Goodbye for now~ :)


It had been a few days since the man came to airship 2 and [your name] was injured. I couldn't stop thinking about how I had failed to protect her.

"I'm so useless." I whispered under my breathe as I walked down the hallway.

Today was Yogi's birthday and we were throwing a party for him to celebrate. I didn't know what to get him so I had to go to the store. I hate birthday shopping. Worst thing. EVER. I went to that Nyanperona store and all the kids were looking at me, probably cuz I was the only one who wasn't a kid or parent... Anyway I decided to get him a Nyanperona sweater... He better like the sweater or I'll shove it down his Nyanperona throat! I didn't realise I was frowning and [your name] came up to me.

"Gareki? Are you ok?" she said with a small smile.

"What?" I replied back with a grumpy and unfriendly tone.

She just stood there with a confused expression until I realised what I'd done.

"Oh... s-sorry... I was just thinking about something..." I looked down and shoved my hands in my jacket pockets.

"Oh! Is it about Yogi?" She clapped her hands together a little when she got what i was thinking about... it was... c-cute.

My cheeks began to get a little warm. Shoot... don't tell me I'm blushing! I covered my face with one hand and looked away. Why the hell am I blushing??? I don't even... like... her... OH MAN!!! My heart began to pound like a drum and I began to feel really hot.

"Gareki? A-are you ok?" [your name] said while coming closer to me.

"I-I'm fine! L-leave me a-alone." I stuttered and quickly walked away.

Damn it! Why does this happen to me? Why is my heart racing? Why did it happen so suddenly!?

"You're in love with her, aren't you?" someone said sheepishly.

I looked up to find Yogi standing in front of me with a massive grin on his face.

"What are you talking about?" I frowned while saying that.

"Leave me alone." I tried walking past him but he kept blocking my way.

"[YOUR NAME]" Yogi yelled from across the hallway.

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