L.I.B. ~1~ [Fixed]

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(¯'·._) Chapter 1 (¯'·._)

8 years ago 

“Happy 9th birthday Sapphire!” 

I smiled at my family and the other pack members.   Only six more years till I can officially become a wolf just like my parents.  My brother Ethan is a year older then me.  He was telling me all the things that dad told him about becoming a wolf.  The thought of having to wait six more years, Frustrates me.  I am not a patient person as you can see.  

“Thanks guys!” I said.

Everyone in the room walked over to me and gave me a hug,  Well not everyone in the room. Aiden Landon, My brothers best friend has always giving weird looks and always have been teasing me, Every freaking day.  Last year for my birthday he gave me a dead cat that he found in the woods and I hope this year it isn’t worse. 

“Open your presents honey.” Mom yelled from the kitchen. 

I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch next to my brother and my best friend Melody.  Ethan handed me my first present which was from him,  I opened it and  I see this small werewolf necklace inside.  I grabbed it from inside the box and dangled it  above where everyone can see it.  

“Thanks Ethan.” I gave my brother a hug.

“No problem little sis.” 

After opening a lot of presents from the others I finally came upon Aiden’s present.  I started shaking at first and then grabbed the present from the floor and put it on my lap.   Here comes nothing.   I opened the present to see a stuffed whale. I grabbed it and showed it off to everyone. When I turned it’s face to look at me,  Water began coming out of it’s mouth and started to get my pink poke-doted dress  all wet.  

“What the heck!” I yelled at Aiden.

  He just stood up and left like he always does on my birthday. Every year he does this to me and no one does anything about it.  Gosh I just want to scream.  Melody stood up and pulled me to the stairs to get cleaned up. 

“Gosh I hate him so much!” I grunted.

“Sorry about what happened out there. I wish we could slap him.” Melody said.

Melody is my childhood best friend.   Me and her would always get revenge on people who messes with us.  But with Aiden it’s different.  My parents has told me and Melody that Aiden’s dad is the Alpha of the pack and that we must respect their son who is indeed next in line.  At school,  me and Melody would always draw stick figures of him getting eating by a dinosaur. 

“One day we are going to get revenge on him, Even if it kills us.” Melody said.


“Promise.”  We laced our pinkies together and laughed. 

 Sapphire and Melody, Best friends forever…

8 Year’s Later

"Sapphire! it's time for school!" Mom yelled from the other side of the door. 

“I am up Mom!” I screamed.

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