L.I.B. ~4~ Pt. 1

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 +*¨^¨*+ (Chapter 4, Part 1) +*¨^¨*+

"Babes should i wear skinny jeans or shorts?" Melody asked Ethan.

"Skinny jeans.  There is no way in hell i am letting my mate were shorts." Ethan said.

The whole table began looking at him.  Yes the whole knows about Ethan and Melody being together but not the whole werewolves thing.  I was siting at the table with the soccer jocks. Since melody is basically going out with Ethan.  I felt very uncomfortable at the table, Mainly because Aiden kept glaring at me from across the table.

"Umm i have to go get something out of my locker." I excused myself.

I walked out of the canteen and headed straight for my locker.  I really did need to get something out of my locker and i just wanted to get away from Aiden.  After the whole make-out session with Aaron, All Aiden does is glare at me.  I pulled out my notebook from my locker and closed the door.  I was about to walk back to the canteen but then a hand grabbed my upper-arm and pulled me into an empty closet.  The person turned on the light and i immediately knew who is it was.  Aiden.

"What the hell do you want?" I hissed.

"What the hell did i tell you 2 nights ago?!" He whispered/yell.

"I don't know what you said." I said innocently.

"Ugh. I told you i don't want you in going out with and hanging out with another me or else." He hissed.

"Or else what?." 

"I will mark you." He warned.

He stepped towards me as i walked walked backwards.  I felt my back leaning against the wall for support as he leaned forward.  He grabbed a hold of my neck so i wouldn't move. I felt his lips on my collarbone. I shivered at his touch.  Dear lord help me.  As my prayers were answered he let go of my neck and moved back.   I was grateful that someone knocked on the door.

"Your lucky we are at school and not at home.  I could have marked you here." He said as he walked out.  He stopped to look at me and said,"I will deal with you when you get home." 

With that he finally left.

I didn't want to know what he was going to do with me.  First he denies me as his mate. Second he told me not to be with another man. And Thirdly, He threaten to mark me for good.  When a werewolf marks their mate, They have to do the dirty and then they can offically be together.  Since i am so not giving up my virginity to him,  There is no way i can belong to him. 

I walked out of the closet and then head for the front of the school.  I pulled out my phone and dialed Aaron. 

"Hey Babe." He answered.

"Hey, Umm can you come with me?" I asked.


"Anywhere But Here." I responded.


Then Hanged up..

Melody's Point Of View

I walked out of the canteen and headed straight to class.  I waited in my seat for Sapphire but she never showed.  Hmm what has gotten in her? I pulled out my phone and texted her.

Me:Sapphire, Where the hell are you

Sapphire:  I am with Aaron. I skipped Sorry!

Me: Aaron Huh? Well ok i will see ya later

Sapphire: Ok see ya later.


"Where's Sapphire?" Ethan asked me.

Ever since school ended,  Ethan has been asking me were his sister was.  I just brought up a new topic.  I could have told him where she was but Aiden was there and i had a feeling that he went after when she left the canteen to warn her about something. 

"She went home early." I said nervously.

"Why?" He asked.

"Umm.....Er....."I just ran towards my car and tried to unlock it.

I failed when the first set of arms were around my waist pulling my towards the back of my car.  I turned around and saw both Aiden and Ethan looking at me like i know something.  Truth is, I do.

"Where. Is. She.?!" Aiden Yelled.

"She is with Aaron.  At-least he wont deny her!" I yelled.

"What did you just say?" Aiden said.

"Nothing.  Now would you excuse me. I need to head home now." I said and pushed them aside.

If Aiden is going to act like a total Douche-bag  every freaking time Sapphire is with someone else then why the hell did he denied her?   I pulled out of the parking lot and left the school.  I don't know where i am going but i know it's anywhere but here in Woodland. 


Lyrics For this Chapter

Anywhere But Here by Mayday Parade

Tonight is the one thing left
And I haven't said it yet
I'm falling and the writing's on the wall

Today was misery
And I just can't believe this happened
And I finally broke down
(I finally broke down)
She held on to my heart
But now my only star is falling
And it's burning to the ground
Now I'm crying out

Secret love, my escape
Take me far, far away
Secret love, are you there?
Will you answer my prayer?
Please take me anywhere but here
Anywhere but here

You're all I've got right now
No one else figures out this feeling
And how lonely it can get
(How lonely it can get)
These words can cut right through
'Cause all along I knew you're sorry
But you haven't said it yet
But I won't forget

Secret love, my escape
Take me far, far away
Secret love, are you there?
Will you answer my prayer?
Please take me anywhere but here

When we're together
Thoughts of her disappear
If I fell to pieces
You'll heal this pain I feel

Secret love, my escape
Take me far, far away
Secret love, are you there?
Will you answer my prayer?

Secret love, my escape
Take me far, far away
Secret love, are you there?
Will you answer my prayer?
Please take me anywhere but here
Anywhere but here 



Hello everyone! 

I just wanted to say Thanks you soo much for the votes and  comments.  I finally made it onto the What's Hot list!  Thanks to you guys! Sorry it's a short chapter but i decided to make it into 2 parts! Part 1 is today and Tomorrow is Part 2. 

Picture of  AJ Michalka As Melody. 

School went great for me.  The only thing i didn't like is that i still have the same teacher who gave me and F in science and i have him this year for Bio. FML So how is school going for you guys? (If you started school).




Love and Always,


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