L.I.B. ~6~

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Hello Everyone :)

So i would just like to say thanks to everyone who has voted and commented and most importantly fanned me :) 

This story is now on the:

Werewolf # 93

Romance # 223

What's Hot # 520

Thanks guys for all the votes and i hope you enjoy this chapter.   There's more to come and more to serve :)  I am starting to post author's note on top now because i have a feeling that no one is reading them so yea. 

 Video on the side:  'Save your Heart' By Mayday Parade.

I love Mayday Parade♥

Picture Of: Marcus Hedbrandh as Xavier.

Xavier is a new character just to tell you.


Onto the story !


·!¦[· Chapter 6 ·]¦!·


"Flight 143 to Florida is about to board please have your ticket out ." The women said on the mic.

I got up and took my bag and began walking up the lady in the front desk.

"Sapphire Estelle?" She asked.


"Ok." She said and scanned my ticket." Enjoy your flight."

I nodded and began walking into the hall that leads me to the plane.  Yes i was leaving Vancouver. I couldn't stand looking at Aiden anymore.  After what he did i just couldn't.  I packed my belongings and head out the door, Leaving a note for my parents.  I got on the plane and buckled up for a long plane ride to florida. 


I drove to school with a smirk on my face.  i kept replaying the torture that i gave Aaron. God did i enjoy doing that but for some reason i felt like shouldn't have done that but he should have token  my warning seriously.  I parked into my usual space and got out.

"Aiden, What's up man?" Tyler asked.

"Nothing much.  Are you attending this emergency pack meeting tonight?"I asked him.

"Yea i kind of have to.  I heard about some person in our pack leaving or something like that." He said.

"Someone leaving?" I questioned.

"Yea. I don't know who but we will find out later."  


"Ok everyone take your seats." My dad ordered. 

I sat down next to Troy and Jason as we listened to my dad's orders.

"This morning we have just found out that one of our member's of the pack has left us or you can say ran away." He said.

Everyone began whispering to each other, All i could here is the name and where this person is but i couldn't quite hear it well.

"Her name is indeed Sapphire Estelle." He continued.

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