L.I.B. ~7~

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Hello everyone! 

Thanks gain for so many votes i really appreciate the comments and all the fanning. I have realized that i published this story 3 or 2 weeks and it has already gotten more then 12,000 reads! I really am happy right now,  I was typing this during my photography class third period because we are talking about the colour balance on the picture and i just got so bored, so i decided to type this up and post it at home.   thanks again for the votes, comment, and fanning me.

to the side is my favourite quote for fallzswimmer and a picture of Sapphire.

Question for this chapter: Which guy do you like? A) Ethan♥ B)Aaron♥ C)Aiden♥ D)Xavier♥




Love and Always, 

Noemi ♥


Chapter 7


It's been 4 days since i met Xavier and the other people.  My parents and Ethan have arrived two days ago.  When i saw Melody jump on Ethan the first time Ethan got ot my aunts,  i thought to myself that i really wish that the person i was destined to be would love me like the way ethan loves Melody.  When Melody swung her hair to the side, I noticed a mark on her neck.  

"Melody?" I said.


"Did you guys...?" I said while pointing at her neck.

She began blushing while Ethan smirked at me.  When i got Melody alone that day i asked her when they mated and how it felt to be marked.  i really wished that Aiden hadn't denied me.  If he didn't i could have been in his arms and i could have had his mark.  So basically i can anyones for all i care. 

I was walking down the hall and into the kitchen but i stopped when i heard a phone being put on speaker.

"Aiden just drop it okay! She's fine and she does't want to see or talk to you right now! When shes ready she will tell you but for now just leave it." My brother yelled thru the phone.

"Let me just talk to her for god sakes!" I heard Aiden yell in the phone.

"No. Look dude just let her cool down for a week and then you can talk to her. Does that sound good?" Ethan asked him.

There was a minute of silence before Aiden made a noise on the other line. 

"Fine but after that week i will talk her no matter what." He said.

"Ok do whatever you want." Ethan said.

"Listen make sure she isn't with another man.  I don't want to see my mate fucking anyone else." Aiden said and then he hung up.

Are you kidding me?  He wants me to be alone without a man. What a selfish mother-

"Sapphire why are you on the floor?" I heard ethan asked me.

"Ummm..... Er.... I drop my penny," I said and got up and headed to my guest room.

I just there in my room for the rest of the day. I didn;t want to talk to anyone at the moment.  I could remember just two weeks ago the Aiden has rejected me on my birthday because he still had the urge to shag anyone with legs and breasts.  I hate having to just thinking about him even when i am away from him.  

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