Lesson #8 Be buddies with his friends

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I have never watched any tryouts in our school before.

It's just not me. I don't see goodness in watching a lot of guys and girls try out for anything mainly because I don't know how a certain tryouts is suppose to work and I don't want to join the people on the bleachers making fun of the people trying out on the floor.

Why do they even watch if they're just going to make fun right?

I've watched a few games on school (because sometimes it's mandatory attendance) to support our team but other than that I've never been into the gym of our school that much.

Lu Han was quiet... bashful. He would ask me things, mostly about myself and I would answer them as normally as I could. I would ask him back the same questions, just being polite and he would answer it shyly, hands going on the back of his neck with that sheepish smile on his face.

He's cute just like Baekhyun though I doubt anyone could be as cute as that guy. (Though I'm not going to say this in front of him because that guy had enough ego going on him)

He asked me a lot of things that I like and dislike; food, color, place, almost everything but what made me interested was his question about what kind of friends Heejun and Juli and I told him they're okay. I was still a little cautious around him so I asked the same questions to him to turn the tables on him.

He looked at me straight in the eye, smiling. It unnerves me to be stared at like that by someone I'm not used to but I'm afraid of making a bad impression so I tried not to let my eyes waver when he looks at me.

"They're rowdy. A lot of guys are fun but also nauseating" he said shrugging.

I smiled amusedly, looking away. "Is Chanyeol rowdy?"

He scratched his neck." Chanyeol and I, we're not really that close."

I looked up at him confused.

"I usually hang out with Minseok since we're the same age." He said and I nodded still confused as to why Chanyeol would order him to fetch me when they're not even close and Luhan's a year older than him, it's impolite.

We were already at the gym and I could see a lot of guys huddled over the bleachers while the spectators hooted in glee. I could even see Chanyeol at the center along with Yifan having what looked like a meeting with baby faced Minseok.

Some of their team mates were playing on one side of the court. It was a loud match full of insults. I could hear it even from where I'm walking which was at the other side of where they were playing.

I was looking at the people in the bleachers when someone suddenly shouted.

"Look out!"

I felt two strong hands pushed me down by the shoulders that I stumbled down. I heard the ball bounced off the wall and it sounded so strong that I'm sure if that were to hit me, I'd lose my head.

"Chen, watch where you're throwing!" I heard Yifan shouted.

Luhan patted my shoulder.

"Are you okay?" he asked, a little breathless.

Shocked, I nodded.

He held my hand and stood me up. Normally, I would have recoiled or take my hand back but I was so shocked at the fact that I almost got hit by a hurtling ball that I just let him. He guided me at the bleachers and some girls from our cheerleading team who were there asked me if I was okay. I smiled and told them I am.

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