How it starts..

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I woke up with the sun shinning on me. It can't be morning already!?.. My eyes open and I look out side to the jungle. "CRAP! I stayed up too late!" I say to myself.  I was up reading all night.. I must have only slept a couple of hours! UUGG! WHY!? I get myself out of bed, and walk to the mirror. I stair at myself. My hair was all messy, and my tail was all puffy. My ears where unseen under my hair. WOW! I had bed head! I am a half cat, half human being. My eyes seem to glow green in the dark. 

"Tommy!" I hear Sarah call from below. "Yeah?" I call back. "Its.. its almost noon! how are you still asleep??" She says in a joking voice. "I'm coming! Just let me wake up first!" I reply. I brush out my hair, and tail, then head down stairs, not bothering to style my hair. I never style my hair. I find it to be a waste of time. The only people I ever see is Sarah, and Bek! I was the odd ball after all! Both Sarah, and Bek where half wolf! We have lived in this house, in the middle of a jungle for about 5 years now.. after something.. happend... something I dread..

I sit myself at the table by Bek. "Hey Tommy, Finally awake I see?" she said in a goofy voice. I narrow my eyes at her. "I'm not the only one to stay up all night reading!" I snapped playfully. She always LOVED to read books! She has read so many! I bet she has read every romantic novel there is on this planet! "ha! ha! you got me there!" She replied. We laugh at this. 

Sarah walks to the table carrying THREE!! Plates at once! How was she doing that without droping anything!?! She placed a plate in front of me. mmmhhhh! It smelled so good! It was Chicken tenders! I always thought it was funny how I hated fish, and loved meet.. Heh.. I guess that's just who I am! 


I had just finished eating, when there was a really loud knock on our door..  We looked at each other in confusion. this was not normal.. NO! not normal at all! We live in the middle of nowhere! THE JUNGLE! After IT happend, we agreed to live in the forest for the rest of our lives..  We each walked slowly up to the door.. Sarah was in front.. Because she was the strongest.. Her eyes turned a shade of red.. this happend when she was ether getting ready to fight.. or when she was angry. She opened the door slowly.. to find nothing..  Its like someone knocked  on our door, and ran away..  "W-what.." Sarah says as she steps out side.  Me and Bek trail behind her and look around. All I could see was green trees, as I always saw when I looked out side.  Bek's ears where folded down, as where mine. my tail curled up around my waste. "I--- I don't underst-"

"SHH!" Bek interrupts me. She then whispers to me. "Open you ears"  I open my ears and lisson for a few moments. Then I hear it.. Rustling .. foot steps around the trees. Where we being watched? I go back to back with Sarah, and Bek.  we have eyes on all angles. ... we wait.. Nothing. 

Coming from the trees something comes flying out and hits me in the leg. I yelp! Sarah and Bek catch me before I hit the ground, and drag me into the house.. I felt dizzy.. Was this me fainting from pain?or poisonous darts?!? I can't see anything.. I hear screems.. People calling my name...... I see darkness......  I smell blood... Bek screems... I see a mad grab her and pull her away.... Sarah..s-she... no!


I fade out.. In complete darkness.. am I dead?...  The darkness lasts only moments though.. 

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