Dinner With Doc.

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Me, Sarah, and Bek look at each other in amazement. SO MUCH FOOD! I guess I have not eaten in weeks..because.... we where...Dead..     

"Well! go eat!" Chad says in a happy voice. Bek starts pushing me in at a fast pace into the room, and Sarah runs ahead of us. I get a chance to look around. The table was long, and in the center of the room. The floor was marble, with fancy patterns all over it. On the other side of the table was a big lack wall. the other three was however, where covered in a fancy wall paper. By the walls, to the right and left side of me where to of those armor stands.... but way bigger. The room had a tall ceiling. The table had so...much...food!

I could see turkey, and chicken tenders, mashed patatos, fruits, vegetables, soup, stuffing, gravy, and casseroles, fish, sodas, pizza, AND MORE! I COULD EAT IT ALL!!! 

All three of us sit at the end of the table and start filling up our plates. The first thing I grab, is chicken tenders! My favorite food! 

Chad chuckles at us pigs. "You all must be very hungry!" he say as he pulls up a chair next to me. I glare at him from the corner of my eye. "Well, I am hear to answer your questions once you are done eating! Don't rush yourselves!" He says. 

Chad starts putting some things on his plate.. Mostly vegetables. 


I lean back in my weal chair, and relax after I was done eating. Sarah and Bek where chatting, while I keep to myself in my thoughts. Chad look at me "Full?" He asks. "Yup!" I reply. Should I say thank you?  He smiles at me. "Well I see you friends are done too!" Chad says, to get Sarah, and Bek's attention. They turn it him. Chad chuckles. "Walk with me." he says. 

He walks to the big black wall. Sarah gets behind me to push, and Bek fallows behind. We all line up behind him. "Why the hell did you bring us to a wall?" Bek growls. 

He turns to look at us, then reaches in his left pocket, to revel a remote of some sort. He gives us a quick grin before pressing a button, and the black wall fades..

We stand in aw at the sight we see. buildings.... a city?  It looked like a dome was around it... So we are still under water?  The city was futuristic! The buildings seemed un-touched, and shiny! 

"This is my city!" Chad exclaims. "The Forbidden city!"

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