Damn dresses....

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"Dinner!?" Sarah shouts. "Why the hell does he want to have 'Dinner' With us!?" Her ears fold down, and her eyes turn red.  I glance over at the clothing that bastard put by me.  "Ohh.. Great.. he got us dresses too.." I say sarcastically. We where never the girly type. We liked to wear Jeans, and tea-shirts, not flashy dresses. 

"UUUUGGGG!! Bek mones. "I don't like dresses!" She crosses her arms like a child.  "WELL GET OVER IT!" Sarah shouts even more like a child.  "But I don't like dresses! and nether do you!" Bek shoots back. Sarah glares at Bek. "WELL THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN DO ABOUT IT!"  Sarah crosses her arms as well. "WELL I DON'T KNOW ABOUT YOU BUT--"

I began to ignore there stupid, and VERY childish argument, and look threw the dresses. The one on top of the pile was mine... It was silver too...  I lift it up, and let it unfold. It was a thin dress. It was slightly puffy. It had no sleeves, and was my exactly my size. By looking at it, it would seen to go down to my ankles once I put it on. Its a nice dress.. I actually like it..

I look at the next one. Its blue.. Sarah's favorite color. Heh.. sure enough its hers! Its the same as mine, except color, and size. Same goes for Bek's dress, which was black. There.. was also some extra stuff we might need.. like underwear.. and.... bras.. in our sizes.......

I toss Sarah her dress interrupting their argument. They both look at me. I toss Bek her dress. She catches it. Then I think. "Hey, I was wondering.. Are your body's weak in any way? or am I the only one?" I look down at my legs.  Sarah shrugs. "I am weak all over.. It a bit hard to move around to be honest.. but.. I can manage. My strength had plummeted far down..  " Sarah looks over at Bek. "You?" she asks.  Bek sighs. "I have blurry vision, and.. my hands feel a bit numb." She puts her hands in front of us, and opens and closes them slowly.


I look at Sarah and Bek in there dresses. "Well.. We don't look THAT bad." I say. Sarah scoffs. "I hate this" she growls. "Heh.. We are soooo out of character.." Bek says, as she rolls her eyes. She was right. We never wear dresses.. In fact we don't like them at all. I was uncomfortable in my dress.. I never like wearing 'Revealing' clothing. I just never got that about my self.  Why do I feel so uncomfortable showing off my skin? I love my body the way it is but.. Why do I feel uncomfortable? 

The door opens, pulling me from my thoughts. Its Chad, with two body guards behind him. "Wow.. looking wonderful tonight!" He exclaims. "Ready to go eat?" He asks in a cheerful voice. Now that I think of dinner.. I am really hungry..  How did I not notice before!?   I look over to Bek as if to say 'be nice' I know she understood, because she rolled her eyes, and nodded.

Bek gets behind me an pushes me out on the weal chair by Chad. "Good evening lady's" he says with a chuckle. Bek gives him a glare. Sarah nods at him. I look up at him. "Hello Chad.." I say staring at him. "my my, not the in a good mood I see?" He questions. Sarah crosses her arms as we continue walking. The body guards trail behind us with loud foot steps. "Well.. Chad.. Its not fun dying, then being brought back to life, and then waking up to find you have no clue where you are!" I say in a fast, but stern voice. He chuckles. "We don't worry my dear Tommy, all your questions will be answered as we eat!" He reassures us. 

He stops by a door and opens it, reviling a HUGE dinner table! I am so hungry...

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