Familial Faces

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                                                                                          Authors note

                      Sorry It took me so long to upload a new chapter. I just haven't had the time. 


As we run, we pass people screaming. All of them can't see anything. I see people on the ground, being stepped on. I see people searching of someone. Some cry... But they are all bastards to me.. 

I know that's cruel.. but they all showed up to watch us hang..

The man of witch I do not know, stops in the street, by one of those sewer things.. he lifts his hand and a drill of some sort, come out of nowhere.

He uses it to unlatch the sewer entrance.

"GO!" he yells at us. What if he wants to kill us too? I look around at the chaos. Oh well... its my only choice... Its better then this...

I jump down falling farther than I thought it would be. I scream as I go down. But when I land, I hear a splash.. and I was not injured.. 

It must be the 'Thing' I am wearing that makes me feel like Iron Man.. 

It was LITERALLY a suit that was robotic like Iron mans.. LITERALLY! But It did not have the blast thing's that come from its hands...

I move out of the way for the others to come down. First Sarah falls down. "AHHHHHH!!!!" I hear her scream as she falls. I could hear her threw some sorta mic in my suit too...

When she lands, she looks around until her eyes meet mine. She quickly stands up, and brushes herself off.  " I was not scared!" She says as the walks to stand by me. I laugh. "Soo... That scream was me hallucinating?" I raise an eye brow. 

Sarah laughs with me. 

This time Bek came down. She was flying! "HOLY SHIT!" I exclaim. Bek laughs at my reaction. "YOU HAVE ROCKETS IN YOUR FEET!?" I start fan girl-ing deep on the inside. 

Bek laughs again. "He showed me." She lands in the water softly. The mystery man fallowing closely behind. He lands beside her. 

"Hi.." he says to us.  I wave awkwardly in return. "Come with me." He says motioning his hand to the left. "Wait!" I say. He turns around and looks at me. I can't tell his emotion, because I can't see his face.. and hes using a voice changer...

"Hmm?" He asks. I look at him. "I am not going with you until you take off that mask!" I eye him down. "Uhh.. ok.." he says. He reaches his hands to his head, and twists the mask to the left a little, then takes it off.


It can't be him.... hes dead.........

We all stand silent. I was shocked.

"Austin..I.." Is all I could muster out. Bek runs at him. She embraces him into a hug.

Austin was a friend of ours before 'IT' happened. He was Bek's boyfriend, and good friends with me and Sarah.  Austin.. was by far.... the biggest nerd ever, to roam this planet With big glasses, and a dumb/smart brain! HOW THE HELL IS HE ALIVE!?

I stand in aw with Sarah. Bek lets of of Austin. "Hey.. I am so sor--"

"No.. Bek... its fine..."He interrupts her.

Bek smiles, and hugs him again. "Soooo.. you'll come with me now.. right Tommy? I took off my mask!" He grins at me. I nod, still to stunned to reply.

We walk down the sewers for about 20 minutes before reaching a big room... ITS LIKE FUCKING TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!?!?! FIRST IRON MAN, AND NOW TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES!?!?

The room has computers in one corner... A couch and TV WITH AN X-BOX ONE!!!! And one had a table, and the last corner had about 6 beds..

The room was HUGE!

"Wow..." escapes my mouth..

I have so many questions for Austin! I NEED to know!

"hey uhh.. Tommy.. There is something I need to show you.." Austin says to me. "Hmm?" I ask.  A smile forms on his face. "Everyone come with me!" He exclaims. We fallow him to where the beds are. 

There was a small curtain blocking off one of the beds. Austin pulls the curtains aside revealing some one...

I start crying........... Its my little sister.....Giorgia...

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