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We walk for hours! The sewers were getting to me..

Jesse suddenly stops in his tracks.

"We need a break.." Jesse sighs..

I sigh, and sit down.

Sarah stops and leans on the wall.

"Wow.... how long IS the sewers..!?"  Bek asks to know one in particular..

Austin Laughs. "The sewers go on for miles!"

"Fuck..." I say out loud without meaning to.

Giorgia sits by me. "I'm so sorry about earlier... I did not know."

I look at her. "Don't be sorry Giorgia! Its not your fault!"

She starts to cry softly. I comfort her by hugging her.

"Don't cry... We can do this when everything is over..." I say to her

She wipes her face, and nods.

I look around at everyone else. Jesse is talking to Sarah.

Austin seems to be pacing nervously.

I eyed him down, and went over to him.

"Uhhh... You ok Austin..?" I ask.

He stops in his tracks. "I'm FINE..."

He glows red

"Err.. you sure..?" I ask, pushing my luck.

He starts laughing. "you guys should not have taken a break!" He reply's to me.

I look back and fourth at everyone. Sarah was now talking to Giorgia, and Jesse and Bek where catching up.

I pull Austin aside.

"What the fuck are you talking about Austin..?" I eye him down.

All he does is laugh.

I would have grabbed his shirt collar, but he is in a suite..

"Austin... WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!" I raise my voice alarming the others.

Jesse stands up, and walks over. "What's going on?" He asks.

I look at Austin. "Ask... HIM!" I say.

Sarah, Bek, and Giorgia join us.

We all stair at him.

"Ahahaha! You guys are REALLY stupid?!" He says to us.

"AUSTIN! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!" Jesse says getting up in his face.

He laughs.

That's all he does..

Jesse was about to punch him, when a bunch of people in armor come around the corner.

Fuck... They have guns...

The point them at us.

We all freeze, but Austin turns around. He smiles.

The solders walk around him.

He laughs. "I am on THERE side!" He yell at us.

"YOU SON OF A GOD DAMN BITCH!" Jesse tries to run at him, but one of the solders pulls a taser on him.

He falls to the ground, and is knocked out.


"Now now now..." Austin interrupted me.

"You MUST die, or this city will collapse!" He says.

The solders surround us.

I grab Giorgia's hand.

"Giorgia... What ever happens... I love you..." I say to her.

"I love you too Tommy... Your the best sister ever.." She Replied.

They hand cuff us.

As they start to lift Jesse's body, he wakes up, and punches one in the face.

They aim there guns at him.

He stands still for a sec.... then runs at Austin in full speed.

Austin Tries to escape... But fails..

Jesse lifts him off the ground, and pins him to the wall.

"HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!!!!!!" He shouts.

One solders was about to shoot him, but another one stops him.

"DON'T! YOU COULD KILL AUSTIN!!" The solder shouts.

Jesse starts choking him.

I stand shocked.

My mind was flowing with so many emotions.

Several of the solders start to run at him, But Sarah somehow breaks out of her cuffs, and holds back one of them.

Bek kicks my cuffs, and they break off.

I then kick hers of, and we hold back the others.

A fist fight starts.

I hear several gun shots go off.

Before I know it, I can see Austin all bloody on the floor....

Hes dead...

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