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I scoff at his question, and roll my eyes. 'How am I doing?' HOW DOES HE THINK I'M DOING!? "What do YOU think!?"Somehow my voice was back... I stair at him. He pulls a chair over and sits by my bed. "My dear Tommy, why so angry?" he asks me. His grey, silvery eyes look at me like an open void. A slight glare reflects off his glasses, from the light above, and his hair was slick, and shiny. He must be 70 or 80 years of age. I take a deep breath before opening my mouth. "If you have not noticed, I am strapped onto a bed, with NO clue as to where, or WHY I am hear!" I stair him down with anger. He chuckles. "All your questions will be answered soon! Good things come to those who wait." He leans back in his chair, and runs his hand threw his hair. "Tell me then. Where are my friends? That is one question I WILL NOT wait for!" Anger rising in my voice. He chuckles again. "They are fine! You will see them again soon! now, if I take off the restraints, will you attack me?" A smirk etches its way onto his face. Suddenly there was a statistic sound coming from above, and a voice appears "Sir! she is too dangerous! are you sure about this?" It was an intercom. People where watching me? "Yes! Yes! I am sure!" he reply's. He reaches over, and unbuckles the one on my left hand. "So why did you try and attack that nurse?" he asks, as he continues to untie me. I scoff. "Many reasons! I don't know her! I don't know where I am! I don't know how I am-"

I could not finish my sentence. I try again. "I don't know how I'm-- how I'm--"

"Alive?" The man helps my finish. He looks at me in concern. "Y-Yeah.. exactly" I nod my head. He finishes uniting me, and I sit up rubbing my wrists. "Who are you?" I ask. I did not sound rude until I said it out loud. He sighs. "My name is Doctor Watt, but you can call me Chad." Chad .. His name is Chad.. "Y-You already know my name.. how?" I look worried. He chuckles again. "Your friend.. Rebekah told me. Hmm.. but she wants to be called Bek.. I like the name Rebekah more though." He sighs. "Well! I might as well take you to them!" He says a cheerful like. My eyes widen. "Yes! Please! I need to see them!" I eagerly reply. The intercom comes on again. "B-But Sir! We-"

"No! I have made my choice!" Chad interrupts. "Y-Yes Sir!" The voice on the intercom reply's. He chuckles, and crosses his arms. His grey eyes starring straight into my looming green eyes. " Sit up getting ready to walk. "Heh.. follow me!" He says before standing up, and Walking to the door. I stood up, but then realized how week I was. My legs shook, before nearly giving out on me. I grab the side of the bed before almost hitting the ground. "Damn it!" I say out loud, by accident. "Hear, let me grab you a weal chair" Chad says, before leaving the room, to quickly return bring one down to me. He helps me into the chair. "Sorry! I forgot resurrection took you energy away for a few weeks!" I gasp at his words. "W-WHAT!? I DIED!?" I wip my head around to look at him. He chuckles again. "Yes! You did my dear Tommy! But your fine now! you where only dead, about a week!" he smiles at me. "WHAT!?!" My heart started pumping very fast. It felt as if it was going to jump out of my chest. My hands became sweaty, and I could feel the blood draining from my cheeks. My vision seemed to get foggy. I was dead.. FOR A WEEK!? I have only felt this way ONCE in my life, before this day. I had been a flute player before IT happened.. Sarah was a Clarinet, and Bek played drums. I had to play a song with the entire class watching me. I some how managed to do it, but I messed up a few notes.

"Something wrong, my dear Tommy?" Chad asks me. I look at him with a surprised expression. " when did it become 'Normal' For people to come back from the dead!?" I say to him. He looks at me. "Hmm... Well I do guess you don't quite know where you are sooo... you must think its CRAZY that this happened." He chuckles. "Wait patiently, an the truth will come." I cross my arms like a 5 year old. He continues pushing me down the hall way for a few minutes before stopping in front of a door. "Hear we are Tommy!" Chad says. He walks

 around me and opens the door pushing me inside

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around me and opens the door pushing me inside.

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