How is this possible?

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"Sarah..?"  I hear a voice say. "B-Bek!? Is that you?" I hear another voice. W-Whats going on??? "Y-yeah.. Is that you S-Sarah?"   I recognize the voices. I-ITS THEM! "SARAH!?! BEK!?! IS THAT YOU!?!"I scream as loud as I can. "TOMMY!?" I hear them say at the same time. "Y-Yeah.. Its me.. Its me.. Tommy.." I reply. "Are-- Are we.. Dead..?" Bek struggles to say. "Maybe.. I don't know.." Sarah says. Where where we? Where we dead? Is this what death was like? Or.. was this all a dream..? "Guys I-----"  I try to speak but.. suddenly my eyes open. I can see a bright light, and I raise my arm to shield my eyes. The light goes down, and I can see a girl, dressed in a doctors outfit. "Good, your awake." She smiles at me. She had short black hair, and glasses. Her eyes where a pail blue. "W-What the hell.." I manage to breath out. "Hmm?" she questions raising her eye brows. I sit up. "WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY FRIENDS!?" I yell at her. She glare at me. I look at the table next to me. Its covered with sharp tools. I quickly jump up and grap a knife, and point it at her. "YOU BETTER FUCKING TELL ME WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON OR I'LL GUT YOU WITH THIS THING!!" I yell at the top of my lungs. Fear erupts in her eyes. It was then, that I realized I was in an ER type place. People from behind watched. A person had a gun pointed at me. I froze. "Uhh.." I utter, as he pulls the trigger. I felt like I was out cold for only scents. I woke again.. But this time I was in a room alone. I try to sit up, but I can't.. I look down.. I have restraints?? Its like I was frankenstein, right after he was brought back to life, still strapped in that chair. "Hello..?" I wispier. my voice could not say it any louder.. My voice was gone.I start squirming. "Let me-- (I cough) out.." I say as loud as I can. "H-how.. is this possible.. arn't I dead..?" I wait for a few hours, lost in my thoughts. Where are Sarah, and Bek? Are they dead? How am I ALIVE!?! Where we talking to each other, while unconscious? Where am I? what do they want from me!?..Am I going to die.. AM I dead..? Finally someone walks in.  "Hello my dear Tommy, How are you feeling?" He asks me.

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