Near death

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He started walking into the water, as we panicked in the cage. "WE CAN'T BREATH UNDER WATER IDIOT!" Sarah shouted. He was now fully under water, and the cage was slowly going under as well. The water reached my, feet.. I have never been so cold in my life. It went higher and higher. Sarah and Bek where struggling to do SOMETHING! HOW COULD THEY NOT SEE THIS WAS IT!? WE WHERE DEAD!! WE WHERE GOING TO ETHER FREEZE TO DEATH OR DROWNED! The water now came to up to my chest. My mind was almost blank. Sarah was shaking me violently, and shouting something in my ear. I could not hear her. I was in shock. Time seemed to move in slow motion. My body felt numb, as the water grew higher, and higher. I thought back to when we first met. Sarah, and Bek where sitting together on a bench. I was walking around by myself, when two half wolf/half human guys came up to me, and started bulling me.. Making fun of me... calling me ugly, and stupid, and most of all worthless...The worst part.. is that I believed them.. . There was a bit of racism going around between Cat people, and Wolf people at the time. Sarah, and Bek managed to save me. The first tried to get them to back off.. But that did not work so.. Sarah ended up punching one of them in the face. When the other one tried to attack Sarah for punching his friend in the face, Bek kicked him in the nuts, sending them both running away. After that we where friends for the rest of our lives..

My head was now under water. I did not realize my body was struggling so hard for air. I was kicking, and flailing my arms. I started to choke on water. The energy in my body was disappearing. It was too cold to move much anymore. I became stiff, and black was starting to consume my vision. Was this truly our end? with so many un-answered questions? I could see Bek on my left, and sarah on my right. There eyes where closed. Are they dead? no... they can't be... at least I will be with them soon. With the last of my energy I reach out and grap there hands.  Then my vision faded to darkness...

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