{The Beginning}

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John stared at the front of the school. He was nervous of course, but excited at the same time. He had been accepted into Sburb Peaks Academy, one of the best schools.

There were two things needed to get into the school.

1. You must be the best at what you do.

2. You must be scouted by the school.

People who graduated from this school were known as the best at what they do. That's what John was here for.

He didn't know why he was picked. But he sure was happy as hell that he got picked for it.

JOHN EGBERT: Ultimate Pianist

He nervously made his way to the gate of the school. He eventually walked in. Upon entering the school, his vision began to blur. He became dizzy. Before he knew it he had blacked out.

Minutes, no maybe hours, maybe days, who knows had passed. His head was on a desk. He got up and examined the room. It was probably a class but the Windows were covered in metal plates.

He walks out of the class. It was an odd place, that's for sure. Was he in the right place?

Walking around he found a door, open. He walked in and saw 14 people in the room.

"There your are! You're late. Where the hell have you been?!" A boy with black messy hair and red eyes yelled at him. John had read about the students here before he came. This was Karkat Vantas, the Ultimate Debater

"Hell kid, can you ever shut up? Don't you think we should tell him why we're here?" A boy with platinum blonde hair and his eyes were covered by sunglasses. John knew who this was, his name was Dave Strider , the Ultimate DJ

"Would you both please just shut up?! You're both being quite ridiculous right now." A elegant voice said. It came from Kanaya Maryam, who John knew about before he came. She was know as Ultimate Fashionista.

Examining the room he saw the rest of the students.

Terezi Pyrope, Ultimate Judge.

Aradia Megido, Ultimate Archaeologist.

Jade Harley, Ultimate Scientist.

Feferi Peixes, Ultimate Swimmer.

Eridan Ampora, Ultimate Affluent Progeny.

Gamzee Makara, Ultimate Baker.

Vriska Serket, Ultimate Luck.

Sollux Captor, Ultimate Hacker.

Nepeta Leijon, Ultimate Hunter.

Equius Zahhak, Ultimate Engineer.

But there was one girl that he didn't know of. Her hair was short and blonde. Her eyes, a bright purple. John didn't remember seeing anything about her on the website. They all went around and introduced themselves. When they got to the girl she politely said, "My name is Rose Lalonde." Her voice was elegant. She was very proper.

"Why'd you get accepted into the school?" Dave asks. She doesn't say anything in response. "You have to tell us, we all got in for some reason, what's yours?" Once again, no response. This girl sure was hella suspicious.

An announcement was heard.

"Everyone please make your way to the gym for a special announcement!"

Like the announcement said, everyone made their way to the gym. It was empty.

"Why the hell are we here? There's no one even here!" Eridan complained.

"Suck it up, rich boy. Looks like you'll have to wait for once in your fucking life." Vriska snapped back.

Great, John thought. They're already enemies.

A moment later, which seemed like forever, a weird puppet thing popped out of no where.

"Hey there!" It says. Everyone stared in shock.

"D-Did that thing just talk?!" Jade asks. "That's not even scientifically possible!" She exclaims.

"Puppet?! Listen here girly, I'm no puppet! I'm Cal," He says. "I'm also the headmaster of your school!"

"Headmaster? *You're* the headmaster?" Karkat asks.

"Yep yep yep! Do you have a problem with it? Are you upset with that?"

"No! It's just, you don't exactly seem qualified to be the headmaster of a fucking school."

"Oh well Mr. Vantas," He starts. "This isn't just a normal school! You're all stuck here forever!"

"Stuck?!" Feferi screamed out. "Y-You can't do that!"

"Actually, I can. But you all probably don't want to stay here, don't you?"

Everyone nods. No one wants to be there.

"Well," He laughs. "Then I'll tell you how to graduate! In order to graduate from Sburb Peaks Academy, you have to kill someone! And get away with it!"

Murder someone?! Is he crazy?! John thought, obviously freaked out. Well, there's no need to worry! There's no way that anyone would kill somebody!


Authors Note

Oh shit! Here it is! My new story!!

If you haven't been reading my updates, I've been obsessed with Dangan Ronpa for some time, I've beat the first game.


Thanks for reading!


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