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"You're right! It's punishment time!"

Everyone stared at Dave, who didn't seem affected much by the fact that he was about to die.

"Really? Silence? No last words? No nothing?" Cal asked.

"Actually, yeah. There's only one thing I wanna say."

"Ohhhh?? And what's that?"

"You're going to be stopped. They'll figure it out eventually--"

"Shut it, Strider."

"--And once they find out, they'll stop you from this!"

"I said shut it! Now before you say anything stupid, I suggest you shut up right now!"

"Why? Are you afraid I'll tell them?"

"If you say, I'll just kill them all."

"...that's against your own rules, Cal. You can't harm them d-"

"That's enough from you, Strider! It's time for your punishment!"


Dave was dragged into a different room, then strapped to a giant record.

Slowly the record started spinning around, and music started playing.

The record was spinning very quickly at this point, the music blaring loudly. Dave have had his eyes closed, ready for whatever was coming.

Suddenly everything stopped. Dave's eyes shot open, and he looked around. Cal was sitting in front of him, scratching his head.

Dave had a moment of hope, thinking that maybe he wasn't going to die. But Cal had shrugged, then pulled a lever.

It started spinning around again, faster this time. Sharp, spear-like rods had begun shooting out, none of them hitting Dave.

It slowed down again, and came to a stop. Dave was sweating, obviously nervous. He looked around, nothing seemed to be happening.

"H-Huh?" He managed to get out. "I-I'm not dead..?" He mumbled to himself, hoping this moment would last forever. He took a deep breath, and then felt something piercing his chest. He looked down to see one of the spears there.

And that was his last breath.

Dave Strider, the ultimate DJ, was dead.

John stared, horrified. One of his only friends, the person he trusted the most, was dead.

He couldn't get what Dave had said to Nepeta out of his head.

"I wish I could say, but I'm not allowed to."

What did this mean? Dave obviously knew something that the others didn't. But it was too late to ask him.

After some time, everyone went back to their rooms. Except John.

He had to talk to Roxy now. She promised to tell him everything. He quickly ran up to the gyms locker room, going to the locker that had the laptop in it.

He opened the lockers door, picking up the laptop. He quickly turned it on, going to Roxy's file.

"Hey, John! Glad to see you! I take it the trial went well?"

"You said you'd answer my questions. So answer them."

"Woah, okay! But before we start could ya tell me who died and who the murderer was?"

"Equius died, Dave killed him."

"Wait, really?! Good job, John! So what questions do you have?"

"My first question is how do you know so much about this school?"

"Okay, so.."

"So, what?"

"I used to be a student at Sburb Peaks Academy."

"Wait, what?!"


Wow, another chapter up band it hasn't even been a week yet hah

But yeah, here's the next chapter! This story has a couple of chapters left, which is kinda weird if you ask me lmao.

But whatever, thanks for reading!

-Author chan

Hope and Despair [DanganStuck]Where stories live. Discover now