{Trial 3}

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John had spent more time with Roxy, talking with her.

"So, Roxy.. Am I allowed to show you to anyone?"

"No. Not yet. And don't take me out of this room."

"Why? If you don't me asking.."

"I don't mind at all. I can't have Cal see me. This room and the girl's changing room are the only two rooms without cameras. Plus most of these rooms are soundproof."

"How do you know so much about the school?"

"I can't answer that right now, since you're running out of time, right? Aren't you doing an investigation?"

"Yeah.. How'd you know?"

"Lucky guess, I guess."

"Uh.. Okay?"

"But I promise, after the trial I'll answer all your questions. You *have* to beat this trial, John. Promise me you'll do that?"

".." John was silent for a moment, thinking. He had just met this girl, and he didn't completely know if he could trust her. But she seemed smart. And for some odd reason, she seemed familiar. "Alright. I'll beat this trial."

"Good! Don't let me down!" She smiled, before turning off her camera. John closed the laptop, letting out a sigh. He wanted to learn more, but didn't know if he would finish this trial. He was confused still about if it was a murder or a suicide. But he was all out of clues. He couldn't think of anything else that might help him.

"Attention students! The class trial is about to begin! Please meet at the usual spot!"

It was time. John was going to do this. He made his way over to the red door, opening it and walking in. Everyone was waiting already, so once they noticed him there they all stepped into the elevator.

The elevator ride down was silent. Nobody said a word. What was there to talk about? It was going to happen again. They would find out who murdered Equius, and that person would end up dead.

The elevator came to a stop, and everyone exited it. They went to their usual spots and cal started his usual speech.

"The class trial will now begin! You'll all try to figure out who murdered Equius! If you manage to figure it out, only the murderer will be punished! But if you fail, you'll all be punished, besides the murderer! So be careful who you choose!" Cal exclaimed, clapping his hands together.


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"Okay.. So.. Let's talk about his body first," John started. "Nepeta and I had done some investigating, and we found out that-"

"John, could I please say something..?" Nepeta asked, quietly.

"Oh, sure."

"So.. Uh.. This is to whoever killed equius.. If we figure out who you are.. Could you please tell me why you killed him..? Thanks.."

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