{First Death}

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Everything had been normal for a few days, before Cal had gave the motive.

"Attention everyone! Please meet in the gym right away!"

His voice echoed through the halls of the school, and like he said, everyone met up.

"Well," Cal started. "I'm a little bored of you guys. You haven't done anything at all to entertain me!"

"Why the actual fuck would we kill each other to entertain you?!" Karkat yelled. "Only a fucking moron who's desperate to get out would try!"

"Well Mr. Vantas, if you would've let me continue, you would've discovered that I'm giving you a motive!"

"A-a motive..?" John asked quietly.

"That's right, Egbert!" Cal says, happiness in his voice. He grabs 15 DVDs, all labeled with the names of the students. One by one he passed them out to the students. He started walking out, motioning for them to follow, which they did.

They made their way to the AV room and everyone sat at their own table.

John sat down, putting the disk on. On the screen an image appeared. His father, nana, and his sister, Jane, all appeared on the screen.

"Good luck at Sburb Peaks Academy! We all know how good you're going to do there, John!" His sister said.

"We're all very proud of you, Son. When you return I'll make the best cakes for you!" His dad said. Suddenly the screen went dark. Another image appeared. It was the same room but, destroyed.

No one at the couch. His family gone. Eyes widening in fear, he couldn't help but let out a scream. "D-Dad?! J-Jane?!"

After a moment or two, more screams came. But rose, still wasn't affected. After watching the video, her emotions didn't change one bit. She silently took the disk out and gave it back to Cal, leaving the room.

So, in some time, everyone had left the room.

"Hey, John!" Vriska called out. He turned his head in her direction. "So like.. If we're going to be stuck here forever, or whatever, how about we try to be friends?"

"Friends..?" John didn't know how to react. Vriska seems like a cool girl, but she also seemed scary to him. There was something about her. "Sure.. I-If you really want to!"

"That's soooooooo great! I'm so glad!" She smiles.

And John, surprisingly enjoyed hanging out with Vriska. She was really nice once you got to know her. She told John a lot about her life, and John listened. He liked Vriska a lot, not in that romantic way of course.

Vriska came over one night. She told John she had a terrible nightmare.

"John.. I know it's really late.. But could we please switch rooms for the night..?"

"Switch rooms..?"


"Fine. But you owe me!" John says, laughing a little. He grabbed his pillow and went to Vriska's room.

Then next morning, John woke up and went back to the room. He rang the doorbell, waiting for an answer but there was none. He put his hand on the knob, twisting it, and opening the door. It was locked last night.. He thought.

He entered the room and froze when he saw it. Her body hung by a noose. He went up to the body to find a pulse, but there was nothing.

Vriska Serket was dead.

Authors note

Guys you have no idea how much I love writing this story omfg

This is probably gonna be my favorite story that I've wrote on this. Also it's not really meant for shipping so no need to worry about that. although the johnvris was hinted at lmao

Anywho, thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed!

Stay fabulous darlings!~

-Author Chan

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