{Hunger and Starvation}

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Everyone was freaked out. The group was locked out of the dining hall, and had no access to the kitchen.

Everyone seemed to be panicking a lot. The only people who really stayed calm were Rose and surprisingly Dave. Rose was usually calm in these types of situations but Dave? He seemed way too calm.

John had a small suspicion. Dave wouldn't be planning something, right? Nah, he wouldn't. Dave was cool!

Everyone decided it would be best to try and not waste too much energy, since it'd make them hungrier.

John decided to head back to his room and just relax. He was worrying too much. He was thinking about food, which was making him pretty hungry. And trying not to think about food only made him hungrier. But he just ignored his feelings and went on with his day.

He had ended up falling asleep, only to wake up a few hours later due to an announcement.

"Good afternoon everybody! I see you all are doing well, but, unfortunately as the teacher I must make sure that all of you are getting proper exercise! Please make your way to the gym!"

Letting out a sigh, John got up, making his way to the gym. Surprisingly he wasn't the last one there for once, (he normally was), and the last one there was Dave.

"So... I've noticed you've all been pretty lazy lately! Just laying around 'n stuff like that! So I'm gonna make you guys get up and be active!" Cal exclaims. "So, I've decided it's time for some yoga! Maybe some laps around the gym!"

After about 30 minutes of doing yoga, cal had finally finished. "I dunno about you, but I'm pooped!"

Everyone was sweating, and slowly dying. "Now that we're done, can we go back to our rooms..?" Karkat asked.

"Hmmm... Nope!"

"What, why?!"

"Cuz, remember how I mentioned you guys doing laps? I want you guys to do laps until one of you pass out!"

Reluctantly, everyone started doing laps. Within .5 seconds in, Gamzee had passed out. As he hit the ground before passing out he said, "honk," for some odd reason.

"Hm. You guys got lucky," cal shrugs. How does he shrug? Hell if I know. "Alright, well you're done then, I guess. You may leave now."

Everyone quickly exited the gym, going back to their own rooms. As soon as they had arrived the announcement went off for it being 10 pm. They all went to bed after that.

The next morning, the usual happened. The morning announcement went off, and everyone got up.

John had walked by the dining hall, and decided to give it a try. It was going to work so there wasn't really-

"oh my god," he said, as the door opened. The dining hall was open. But that only meant one thing.

Someone died.


John was about to go and look for someone, when nepeta had run by, her eyes watering. "Nepeta?" John called out, and she came to a sudden halt.

"John.. I.. He..!" She could barely get her words out, obviously frightened by something.

"Nepeta, calm down, breathe. What happened."

"Equius.. He's.." Nepeta started to cry, while grabbing John's hand and gently pulling him to the second floors gym.

As John entered the room, he was shocked. "N-No.. This.. This can't be!"

He slowly approached it, touching it.


Equius Zahhak, the ultimate engineer, was dead. His body hanging from one of the pull up stations.



i guess you could say equius got a little

choked up about the situation.

hah im funny but not really

So, who do you think did it? Cause, I know who did it! :D

Also, happy 4/13 everyone, it's still 4/13 where I am. That upd8 destroyed my entire soul,,,

But, thanks so much for reading! The support that people give me is great, and I'm so glad that people are still reading this, even though it takes me 500 years just to update lmao.


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