{Trial 2}

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"Attention everyone! It's time for the class trial! Please meet at the same spot as last time, thanks!" Cal's voice is heard.

It was time for the second trial. It was time to find out who killed Sollux and Feferi.

Everyone made their way to the elevator, like Cal had requested. One by one everyone entered the elevator and once everyone entered; it started.

It descended for what seemed like forever. Everyone was silent but, what was there to talk about? There were just about to go to a trial to find out who killed 2 of their friends, and it would either result in another person dying, or everyone else dying.

Eventually the elevator came to a sudden stop. The doors opened.

The second class trial was about to begin.


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"A-Alright I don't even care about this stupid fuckin' trial, who killed fef?!" Eridan asks.

"Before we discuss who killed her, why don't we talk about both of the victims and how they were killed?" Aradia says.

"Aradia is right," Rose starts. "Let's first discuss how the two were killed."

"Ummmm..!" Nepeta says. "I hate to be the purrson to point people out," she laughs nervously. "But...! Don't we already know who killed them....?"

"W-We do..?" John asks.

"Yeah..! Isn't.. Isn't the purrson who killed Feferi and Pawllux.. Eridan?"

"What?!" Eridan says, shocked about the fact he was being accused.

"You know," Karkat says, thinking. "You don't seem to be wrong. Eridan, out of all of us, seemed to hate Sollux the most!"

"W-Wha?! S-Stop accusin' me!"

"But wait," John cuts in. "I mean, yes, it makes sense that eridan could've killed Sollux but he wouldn't kill Feferi!"

"Okay but," Karkat looks over at John. "What if there were two murderers?"

"That's not true, right Rose and Aradia?"

"Yes, he's correct. Cal himself said that there is only *one* murderer for this case," Rose explains. "So for now, you're off the hook, Eridan."

Eridan lets out a sigh of relief.

"Oh, damn it.." Nepeta mumbles, crossing her arms. "Sorry for accusing you, Mr. Ampurra!"

"For now, I guess we should say any clues that we found," Dave says. "I may have found the murder weapon, actually..." Dave shows a picture of some sort of trident.

"A trident?" Equius asks. "Where would one even get something like that?"

"I'm pretty sure they had them at the pool! Why? I'm not sure." Jade says.

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