{Investigation and Help}

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John started his investigation quickly. The announcement hadn't gone off yet, Nepeta had left to find someone else.

John stared at Equius. Another person dead. And another was going to die when they found his killer.

He shook his head to the thought, then started to investigate again. He checked the body, looking for any other injuries that could've been there. But there was nothing. Besides the rope around his neck, choking him to death, there were no other injuries.

Nepeta had returned, Dave by her side. As he entered, the body discovery announcement went off. Just hearing that announcement made John feel something. He felt despair.

He had lost hope. He wasn't going to get out of there, and he knew he was going to be killed. He was just awaiting that moment.

"John?" Dave waved his hand in front of John's face, making him snap back into reality. "You okay, dude? You're not looking too well."

"I'm fine, Dave. See? I just zoned out there for a sec," John said, shrugging.

"You day dreaming or something?"

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." He sighed. "So, did you find anything?"

"Not really. There's really no evidence for this murder. Maybe it was a suicide."

"Suicide? Wh-Why would you think that?" He asked, wide-eyed.

"I mean, think about it. We've been trapped here for who knows how long, were forced to kill each other. And I don't think being murdered is fun."

"I guess you have a point there."

"So, suicide is an option for his case. There might not even be a murderer." And with that, Dave walked away. John just stood there, thinking.

"Suicide..?" He mumbles to himself. "It's a possibility.."

"Uh, John?" Nepeta asked, suddenly standing in front of him, causing him to jump a little. "Oh, sorry, did I scare you?" She asks.

"No, it's fine. What's up?"

"I found some evidence!"

"Wait, really?"

"Yep!" She exclaims, grabbing his hand and pulling him over to the trashcan. She points inside. "There's all sorts of stuff in here!"

John was hesitant, but he grabbed the trashcan, tipping it over and letting all the trash fall out. Inside there were tissues, a bottle, and some broken glass.

"What's this?" He picked up the bottle, which read: CHLOROFORM on it.

"Isn't that the stuff they use to knock people out?" Nepeta asks. John nods. "So then, on these tissues is.." She picks one up, smelling it, immediately passing out.

"Nepeta?" John shakes her. She was out cold. John shakes his head, setting her down.

John picks up the pieces of glass, trying to put them together as best as he could. He couldn't seem to figure anything out.

As he was about to give up, he figured it out. It was a sort of round shape. It looked familiar, he just couldn't think of it at the moment.

Nepeta opened her eyes, blinking. "What happened..?" She asked.

"You smelt one of the tissues with chloroform on it and knocked yourself out."


"Yeah. Well I'm done in here, so you should probably go tell the others."

Nepeta nods. "Yeah, I will!"

John stands up, exiting the room. He had one more idea of a place to check. The boys changing room. Maybe there were clues in there.

He entered the room, which didn't have any security cameras. He didn't mind though. Cal wouldn't watch him, or any of the other guys change. He looked around a bit, then noticed an opened locker.

Curious as he was, he went over and opened it. Inside was a laptop. He pressed the power button, nothing happening for a moment then, it turned on.

John's eyes widened as he checked for connection to the Internet, but there was nothing. "Dammit.." He mumbles.

The only thing on the computer was a file called R.O.X.Y.

He quickly opened the file, in fear someone would walk in. Now on the screen was a girl. Her eyes pink, her hair blonde, and she had black lipstick.

"Hello?" She asked.


"Oh my god. Someone's there? Sollux.. That sneaky bastard did it!" She smiles.

"Wh-Who are you? Are you real? Are you one of Cal's tricks?"

"Nope, I'm not working for Cal. And of course I'm real. How else would I be able to be talking to you?" She laughs a bit.

"You're still not answering my first question.."

"My name is Roxy Lalonde. I'm here to help you guys escape."



I'm finally getting somewhere with this story lmao.

I've got some things planned out, which means I should be updating more! Yay,,

Anyways, thanks for reading! The support you guys give me on this story is absolutely fucking amazing and I love you all so much!

Much love!
~Author chan

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