{Learning More}

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I apologize in advance for any spelling errors, it's 4am.


"Wait, what?!" John had asked, shocked about what she had just said.

"Okay, before you freak the hell out, lemme explain. So, you guys.. Your memory was wiped clean. Not sure if you knew that. Now, it wasn't wiped completely. You remember walking into the school, feeling dizzy, then waking up, correct?"

"U-Uh.. Yeah. How'd you-"

"When you felt dizzy, that's when your memory got cut off. You guys have been there for years. Two years to be exact. Sollux had remembered somehow, which I'm not sure how. Think it might've had to do with him finding the laptop," she said, shrugging.

"Roxy, how do I know I can trust you? What if you're the reason we're all here!"

"I can assure you that's *not* what's going on. I'm on your side, John."

"So.. You're trying to..?"

"I'm trying to help you out of there. Right now I don't have any access into there, mostly cuz I haven't been able to hack in yet. Whoever programmed the systems there is a fucking genius.." She mumbled quietly, typing away. "The thing is, even if I do end up hacking into there, you guys can't just leave. Cal wouldn't allow that. He'd figure it out quickly, actually."

"If he figures it out, wouldn't that freak him out and get him distracted."

"Wish that was the case, but no. He's pretty smart, so he'd get it back online easily. That's why I need your help, John. I need you to-"

Suddenly the door swung open, Eridan walking in. John quickly closed the locker door, not all the way though. "John, there you are. What are you doing in here?"

"Just getting ready to work out!" John nods. Eridan raised an eyebrow, obviously not believing any of it.

"Is there where you've been disappearing to?"

"Well yeah, it's cuz I'm working out and stuff!"

"Now you're lying again? Funny," he said, glancing over John's shoulder. "Whatcha hiding?"




"For fucks sakes, just tell him already, John," Roxy groaned, obviously annoyed. John sighed, opening up the locker. Roxy waved at Eridan.

"Who the hell-"

"The names Roxy, I'm here to help you, blah blah blah," she rolls her eyes. "Nice to finally meet you, Eridan!"

"How do you know my name?"

"She was one of the students who went  to the school, and she's trying to help us escape!"

"Wait, really?! Holy shit, this is great!"

"Yeah, and I can probably get you guys out soon, but you gotta stay strong for just a little longer! Also, keep me a secret, Eridan. Don't tell *anyone*."

"Wasn't planning on it. So, what do you have planned so far?"

"Okay, so far my plan is to shut down everything, once I hack in of course, but the thing is I'm pretty sure Cal will be able to bring all the systems back on in a matter of seconds, so what you guys have to do is-"

"Um, Roxy, if you don't mind me asking.. Do you know who's controlling Cal? Or if he's being controlled..?"

Roxy is silent for a moment. She had been staring down for a bit, then looked up at the two boys standing in front of her. "I know for sure Cal is being controlled. As for who, I'm not sure. Whoever it is, you needa find out. Cuz if you find that out.."

"..If we find out who the person controlling Cal is, all we have to do is get them killed somehow and then you can hack in and break us out, right?"

"Yeah, I think so!" She nodded. "But figuring out who it is.. It's not gonna be easy."

"You're right. I think we're gonna have to come back later. If Cal is watchin' us right now, then it's gonna be suspicious if we're in here this long.." Eridan says.

"Right. Come back later. See you two," Roxy waves, shutting off. John closed the laptop, sighing. Both boys looked at each other, nodding, then leaving the room.

Some time had passed, Eridan and John had finished working out. John quickly changed into different clothes, then went to get some food.

He had entered the dining room, noticing Jade. She had her head on the table, and she was silently crying. John walked over to her, putting a hand on her shoulder, causing her to jump.

She looked up at John with wide eyes, still crying. "Jade? Is something wrong?"

"I-I can't do this anymore, John! I miss my grandpa! I miss my dog! I miss my family! I just wanna go home!" She said, now sobbing. She wiped her eyes, trying to calm herself down.

"Jade, it's okay. We're gonna get out of here soon."

"How do you know, John?! For all we know we could be trapped here forever with no access to the outside world and-"

"And nothing. We're going to be fine. Just trust me, okay?"

She looked into John's eyes, then hugged him, crying on his shoulder. He awkwardly hugged her back.

After a few minutes of that, Jade had finally calmed down. John offered to make tea for them, which she accepted the offer. A few moments later he returned, and they both had sat there, drinking tea.

Once they had both finished, John had put their cups away, then they both decided just to head to bed for the night.

When John had made it back to his room, he flopped onto his bed, staring at the roof. He was determined. He wasn't going to die there. He was going to get out of there.

Soon after, he curled up under the covers, falling asleep.

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