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"What..? How? Why?!"

"John calm do-"

"I am calm, Rose! So fucking calm!"

"You don't sound calm."

"Well- I- ugh!"

"Seriously, calm down. We'll figure this out.."

"But.. We don't know anything about this guy! Besides, his body blew up! What now? We can't figure out who did it-"

"John, calm down. We'll figure this out. We can still investigate, and we'll do what we've been doing. We'll figure it out, okay?"


"If I may interrupt," Kanaya says. "Before the body blew up I noticed that he looked much like Dave.."

"Yeah! I noticed that too.." Nepeta says.

"Well.. They do have the same last name so maybe they are brothers.." John says, shrugging.

"Wait.. John, you, Jade and I were the only three who knew that Dirk was in the school. That must mean someone else knew.."

"And whoever that is.. They're the murderer!"

"Well," Nepeta says. "I purromise that it wasn't Kanaya and I! We've been together having a tea purrty!"

".. Why'd you come in here then?" Rose asked.

"Well, we were having it in here! We didn't even notice the body until we were about to leave," nepeta frowns

"Ah, okay, I see."

"Well then," John cuts in. "That leaves Eridan, Gamzee, and Karkat."

"Then let's split up. Nepeta, you stay here and make sure nothing else happens to the body." Nepeta nods.

Kanaya, Rose and John all split up. John went to karkat.

Karkat had been minding his own business, eating some cereal. John sat down next to Karkat.


"Fuck off."

"I just said hi, Karkat! I just wanted to see how you were doing?"

"I'm doing absolutely wonderful! Being trapped in this place is just wonderful!" He says, obviously being sarcastic.

"Well, that's cool! So.. Where have you been?"

"Oh, y'know, I went home last night and spent time with my family! Where the fuck do you think I've been?!"

"I dunno! Just asking, dude. So uh.. Where were you last night?"

"Are you interrogating me."


"God damn it.. If you really must know, I was with Eridan."

"Oh? Okay! Thanks! But before I go.. Did you happen to see Gamzee last night?"

"Yeah, I saw him in the kitchen. Pretty sure he was baking a cake or something. That guys fucking creepy, so I'm not dealing with him."

"Yeah, I get it. Thanks for the help Karkat!" John stands up. He quickly runs out of the room and goes to meet up with the girls.


First off, sorry for not updating in like 7373838484839 years.

Secondly, Anime Expo is this weekend and I'm sO PUMPED

If anyone is going, I'm going Friday, Saturday and Sunday!

Friday- Mami Tomoe
Saturday- Kanaya Maryam
Sunday- Dirk Strider

On Saturday I'm gonna try to go to the hs meetup :P

Anywho, thanks for reading!


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