{A final death}

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The days seemed to go by slower and slower. John hardly ever left his room, often afraid to leave his room because of what could possibly be out there. He didn't know who he could trust- hell, the one person he did trust ended up killing someone.

But alas, he was just laying there. This was normal for him. He'd stay in bed most of the time, hardly eating. He'd leave once a day when nobody was in there. Some days he didn't eat at all.

The whole situation was depressing to him. He couldn't stand death anymore. He wanted to go home- no- he needed to go home. He missed his dad. His poor dad was probably worried sick about him! He didn't know how long he was trapped there.

John ended up leaving his room. He went to the dining room, getting something to eat from the kitchen, then sitting down at the table.

Rose had walked in, sitting across from him. She had been worried about him, since she had hardly seen him.

"Hi," was all she said. John looked up at her, silent. "You don't want to talk?" He shakes his head. "Alright. Should I just leave you alone?" He shrugs. "I'll leave you alone. If you ever need to talk, just ask me. I'll be in my room," she said, standing up. She exits the room, leaving John alone.

After about 15 minutes of being alone, John stood up. He pushed in his chair, exiting the dining room. He then made is way to Rose's room, standing bye the door. He was hesitant to knock. After a minute or two of standing there awkwardly, he finally knocked. It takes her a moment to open the door, but she opens it.

"So," she says, small smirk on her face. "You changed your mind?" He nods. "Come in." She opened the door more, allowing him to come in. He didn't know why Rose was trusting him. In all honesty, he could've turned on her at any moment.

He sat down on her bed, and she sat down next to him. "Would you like to finally talk?"

"Yeah, I would actually.."

"Alright. What would you like to talk about?"

"Well.." The two had sat there for some time, talking. It felt nice, actually. John could finally let this stuff off his chest.

A knock was heard at the door. Rose looked over, standing up and opening it. Kanaya stood there. "Nepeta and I.. We found something."

"What'd you find?"

"Just come with me, please. It is urgent."

"Alright, John, come on." The three quickly ran to the greenhouse, which was on the 4th floor. Nepeta had been standing there, shocked.

Rose, Kanaya, and John had all entered, running over to Nepeta. A body was on the floor.

"Who's body is that..?" John asked.

"I'm not sure," Rose says. John walked over to the body, only to hear a ticking noise.

"What's that noise?" Nepeta asked.

"It sounds like-"

Kanaya was cut off by an explosion. The body had blown up. They all went flying back, John ended up hitting his head, which knocked him out.

He woke up, rubbing his head. Rose was sitting next to him, and she looked over at him. "You okay?" She asked.

"I'm fine," he responded. "Wh- what happened?"

"The body blew up."

"Really?! Now we'll never know who it was.."

"Actually, I checked to see if anyone was missing. Nobody was."

"Then who's-"

"Isn't it obvious, John? Who's body could it possibly be?"

"I'm not sure, actually.."

"The body belongs to the student we could never find. Dirk Strider."

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