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The last trial left John with more questions. Who was Dirk? Why did he have the same last name as Dave? Were they related? Where is he now?

He sat in his room, alone as usual. He stared up at the roof wondering when he was going to go home. All he really wanted to see was his dad. He wanted to eat cake, although he hated it. That's how homesick he was. He had been there for too long and it was literally driving him insane.

He grabbed his pillow, putting it to his face. He then screamed into it. Not that anyone would hear in the first place. The room was soundproof, so he wouldn't hear shit.

He put the pillow aside, then exited his room. He went to the dining room, then walked to the kitchen. He sighed, grabbing a cup and some tea. He made the tea, then exited the kitchen. He sat down, drinking his tea. It really helped him calm down a bit.

Rose entered the room, sitting down across from John. "Hello," she said, dropping a file in front of John. He opened the file, his eyes widening. He turned, spitting out his tea and started choking. "Oh my god are you okay?" Rose asked, closing the file and rushing to his side.

"I'm good..!" He said, coughing once more. "Where.. Where did you get that?" He asked.

"Jades room. I did a bit of investigating after the trial had ended. Cal hadn't locked her room up yet, so out of curiosity I checked it out." She said, shrugging.

"wh- what?! If cal finds out you did this you're gonna get killed!"

"After the whole laptop thing, I'm pretty sure he won't mind me snooping around."

"He's gonna mind! I'm surprised he didn't kill us after the whole Roxy thing!"

"Well, if he didn't kill you then.. Then he won't kill me now." She said, smiling a bit. "So.. Where would this Dirk guy be hiding anyways?"

"And why doesn't he have a room..? Cuz wouldn't we have noticed his room??"

"Also.. Why isn't he at the trials?"

"Argh.." John groans, laying his head on the table. "Too many questions.. We'll never figure this out!"

"Not with that attitude we won't. We haven't even *tried* looking for him yet. You can start complaining when we actually start looking. Do we have a deal?"

"Yeah... Whatever.. Let's just start looking." And with that the two split up to look for him.

Hope and Despair [DanganStuck]Where stories live. Discover now