{Another Day, Another Death}

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John woke up the next morning, shaking a bit. He was nervous for some reason. He quickly got rid of that worrying and stood up.

He exited his room, walking down the hall. He was about to walk up the stairs when Cal had stopped him.

"Heya, Egbert! What's up?"

"Oh, hey Cal.."

"Where are you heading?"

"The gym to workout."

"Like you do everyday? Man, you've been going for some time now and you're still wimpy and weak!"

"Wow, thanks.."

"Well, I've noticed that you spend an awful lot of time in the changing room! I'm not even gonna ask what dirty things you do in there."

"Wh-what?! I don't do anything dirty in there!

"That's what they all say, Egbert. But don't worry! It's a secret between us!" Cal winks, (how? John isn't sure), then walks away. John sighs, walking up the stairs and to the gym.

He walks into the room, seeing Eridan there already. He's obviously talking to Roxy.

"Oh, hey Eridan!" John waves. Eridan looked over, waved, then went back to talking with Roxy. John walked over, sitting next to Eridan. "Hey Roxy."

"Hey John! Nice to see you're alive and well!"

"Yeah, nice to see you also."

"So, I'm super close to finishing my plan to get you guys out! Soon enough you'll be free!!"

"This is great! Now cmon Eridan we better go work out so Cal doesn't get more suspicious.."

"Wait, what do you mean?"

"Well he sorta came up to me and asked me why I'm taking a long time in the locker room.. Then he asked me if I do dirty things in here.."

"pfffffftt-" Roxy starts laughing.

"Shut up! It's not funny at all! It's nasty.."

"Sorry, John! It's just really funny."

"Whatever.." He says, pouting a bit.

"Yeah. But you two should get heading out. Wouldn't want him to get suspicious of you both doing dirty things, would ya?"

"...shut up!" He said, walking out of the room. Eridan soon follows behind.

They worked out for about an hour and a half, then went back. When they had gotten back, Eridan almost screamed.



"..where's the laptop."

"It's in the locker.. Why?"

"It's not in here," john turns around looking into the locker. "The laptops gone, John."

"He found it... Cal must've found it."

"Or maybe someone else came in here and found it.."

"Well, unless someone came in here while we were working out, it must've been Cal."

"Yeah.. You're right," John says, sighing. "Well at lease no one died-"

"A body has been discovered!"

"god dammit. John, why'd you jinx us?!"

"Sorry! Can we just.. figure out who died?"

"Yeah, okay.." They both quickly ran to the pool, where they had seen people walking into it.

When they had entered, she was laying by the pool, blood on her hands.

Jade Harley, the ultimate scientist, was dead.

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