{First Execution}

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{Play The Song! ^w^}

"Get ready everyone! Because itssssss punishment timeeee!!!" Cal's voice rang through the room.

"Punishment?" Terezi asks. "What punishment?"

"Like the rules say, if the blackened is discovered they get punished for their crime!"

"Alright, what's my punishment then? A detention?"

"I guess you could say that!~"

"I'm confused.. What do you mean by punishment? Is it really a detention?"

"No no, you idiot! The punishment is an execution for disturbing the balance of the school!"


"That's right! Terezi Pyrope, for the murder of Vriska Serket you're going to be punished!"

"P-Please," Terezi begged. "I-i don't want to die! P-Please give me another chance! I-i won't do it again!"

"Sheesh! Shut up, would you? You're making this *really* hard for me not to kill you right now, but since I'm in a good mood, why don't you say your last goodbyes to your friends!"


"Times up! Is everyone ready now?! Because it's punishment time!!!" Cal laughs evilly.


Terezi was dragged away by a chain. It pulled her to a conveyor belt where she stood. She seemed calm at first, but then looked up at two signs, both green and red, flashing those colors. One read 'guilty' and the other 'not guilty'. The colors continued to flash until the guilty one turned green. Suddenly, a loud crashing sound was heard from behind her. Turning around, she saw a giant hammer, going up and down.

She was scared, but anyone would be if they were about to get killed.

The conveyor belt started moving. Closer and closer it went. Every time it got closer, Terezi's heart started beating faster and faster. She opened her mouth to say "I'm sorry Vr-" but was cut off, getting crushed.

Everyone had watched this happen

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Everyone had watched this happen. Everyone was shocked.

'And just like that' John thought, 'The first class trial was over.'

"Ohohoho! Well, that's the end of the class trial! Exciting, right?!"

Everyone was speechless. Two students dead. "Gosh, if you're all gonna sit there staring, then continue what you're doing! But I wouldn't stay too long! This room is restricted at night, and wouldn't want to get punished for staying, right? Ohohoho!" Cal laughs.

After some amount of time, everyone had gone back to their rooms. They were all still in shock.

"Why.." John says, laying in his bed staring at the roof. Vriska's body had been removed, and his room was clean, almost like it never happened "Why does this have to happen.. I have to get out of here.. No.. Not just me.. We all have to get out of here!"

"After today, no ones going to kill each other..



Hey guys! I finally updated this haha! ^^'

Sorry about that, I was busy working on a school project and it was keeping me super busy, so I couldn't get the coloring done for the punishment! ;n;

Also, if you're wondering who drew that shit drawing, it was me.

it's horrible ik

Anywho, thanks for reading guys! Stay beautiful darlings!~

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