{Trial and Punishment}

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The trial had started. Everyone had gathered around. John first noticed how small the group had gotten. Only 7 of the 15 people remained.

Cal first explained the rules of the trial- as usual- and then it had officially started.

"Well," Rose says. "This trial shouldn't be too hard."

"Oh? Why's that?" Karkat asks.

"Because John and I already know who did it," Rose says. "John, the note please."

John nodded, showing the note. "We found this note on her, and it was meant for me. It explains that Jade had ended up killing herself. If anyone wants to read-"

"Give that to me," Eridan says, grabbing it from him. He quickly reads it over. "Eh, I guess so. But what about this bottom part? The part about you goin' to her room?"

"Well.. I didn't exactly find anything," John shrugs, lying to him. He figures he'll tell Eridan later. "I'm not sure why she wanted me to go there.."

"I was there with him. There wasn't really anything there," Karkat says.

"Hm.. Fine. But we're still not sure how Jade died. How'd she kill herself?" Eridan asks, crossing his arms.

"Does that really matter?" Nepeta asks.

"Yes, actually," Rose says. "It's quite important to know how the victim died. Without knowing that-"

"Actually," Kanaya says. "While I was investigating I had noticed that there was some sort of poison under her body. So.. That must be how it happened."

"Then it's settled. Trial over!" Nepeta exclaims.

"And nobody has to die this time because they were the murderer..." John mumbled, a bit relieved.

"Yep! Trials over! Cast your votes now!" Everyone did as Cal said, voting for Jade as the murderer. "Ding ding! That's right! The murderer of Jade Harley was herself! Good job you guys!"

"Finally.. Now let's g-"

"What??? You think this trials over? The trials not over until there's a punishment! And boy do I have a great one for today!" He exclaimed. "So let's give it everything we've got! It's punishment time!"


Everyone turned to a screen. The screen was black, and it suddenly turned on. On the screen was the laptop, with Roxy looking around.

John and Eridan looked at each other, worriedly. The laptop had really been taken by Cal.

It had been zoomed in on her face, but now it was zooming out. The laptop was on some sort of counter, various drinks could be seen in the background. Suddenly a giant hand appeared. It was almost a full body, but the head couldn't be seen.

It's started mixing drinks, and making them as well. The final drink that was made was sitting on the table. The bartender had picked up the laptop, crushing it into pieces. It then dropped the crushed pieces into the drink, then picks it up and drinks it. The screen turns off after that.

"Wow! Wasn't that just exciting? I think it was. Also, I'd be careful next time you're sneaking around with something like that! I'm talking to you, John and Eridan! Something like that should be punishable, but I'm feeling nice today! So you're lucky! Anyways, you're all free to go back to your rooms! Trial dismissed."

And with that, everyone walked back to their rooms. Not a single word was said by anyone the entire walk back.

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