{New Floor}

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After the end of the first trial, everyone had went gone to their rooms. Over the monitors, there was an announcement. "Attention students! It is now 10 pm, which means it's officially night time! Certain areas of the school are strictly prohibited during this time! If you are to break these rules then you are to be punished! Good night!" The screen goes black.

John took off his shoes and flopped onto his bed. It had been a long day and he just wanted to sleep.

As he slept, he felt like he was back home. His dad and sister both in the kitchen, baking a cake. Maybe cupcakes. It depended.

He of course didn't like the cake but, really wanted some. He knew it was all just a-

"Attention students! It is now 7am! Rise and shine!" Cals voice had woke John up. During the middle of a good dream too.

"As a reward for you guys doing so great in your first trial, I have opened up the second floor of the school! Feel free to explore anything you want!"

John signed. He got out of bed and left his room. He still felt upset about Vriska dying, but who wouldn't be upset about their only friend dying?

He started walking down the hall when he heard arguing.

"YOU! ARE! SO! OBNOXIOUS!" Karkat yelled.

"Says the one who's fucking yelling!" Dave yells.

"YOU'RE YELLING ALSO!" John runs over to the two.

"Guys why are you figh-"

"He wouldn't shut the FUCK up when I told him to stop singing his shitty ass music!" Karkat complains.

"You wouldn't shut the fuck up when I told you to stop yelling at me!"

"Woah woah woah! C-Calm down please!"

The both glared at John, and shut up.

"What do you suggest we do? If I'm gonna be stuck with this asshole forever I want to at least think he's a *decent* human being."

"Then.. Uh.. Find something that the two of you both like! You can bond over that."

"Fine.." Karkat agrees.

"Maybe there's something on the new floor you guys can bond over!" John exclaims, trying to get everyone in a better mood.

"Fine. I guess I'll try." Dave says. The two both leave, John following soon after.

John had finally arrived to the second floor of the school. He opens up his student hand book, looking at the map. There was a pool, bathrooms, a gym and a music room. John was most interested in the music room, so he headed there.

Inside the room, Jade Harley and Rose were there. Jade looked at the flute and sighs, John going over to her. "Something wrong?" He asks.

"Yeah.. I wish I was good at the flute! But I'm not." She frowns. "So I guess I'll just stick with science!" She smiles, then quickly runs out of the room.

Rose looked at the violins. She picks one up, starting to play it. John recognizes the tune she's playing and goes over to the beautiful grand piano playing along.

((it was the only picture i could find with rose and John playing instruments together))

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((it was the only picture i could find with rose and John playing instruments together))

Rose jumped a bit when John played along with her. She immediately stops. "I.. I didn't see you." She says.

"You're like, really really good at the violin! Is that what you got in the school for?!"

"No, it's not. If you'll excuse me-"

"We should play again sometime!"

"No, I'm not going to. After being introduced to this murder game I am *not* going to make friends with anyone."

"Don't you think it's better to make friends to help you in investigatio-"

"No, I work by myself," She says, walking to the door. "But, I'll think about your offer.." Rose adds before leaving.

'Did I just make friends with her?!' John thinks.


heeyyyyyy that's right

Finally got this shit updated! Whoop whoop. I'm still working on a little something for the next chapter so be prepared! >:33

Also should I do like votes at the end of chapter to see who you guys think the murderer is :? It's just a little thought I had! ^^'

Anyways, thanks for reading!

Stay beautiful, Darlings!~


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