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"Iiiiitssss punishment timeeee!" Cal laughs.

A grin appears on Aradia's face. She was ready for this. "Alright. Let's do it!" She says happily.

Aradia gets pulled away, into a graveyard looking area.

Around her, ghosts and graves appear. Aradia looks around, admiring everything happening around her.

Above her, a sign displayed the words "An eternity in a graveyard!"

Suddenly, all the tiny ghosts began shooting at her, every single one, piercing her skin. But she wasn't dead.

No, that was just the beginning. Hundreds, no, thousands more of the tiny ghosts appeared and began to hit her over and over again. The finishing blow was the one to the back of her neck.

And just like that, another student was dead.

Aradia Megido, the ultimate archaeologists, was dead.

Everyone watched horrified by what had happened.

"Ooh!~" Cal cackles. "That was wonderful!"

"Th-This is too much!" Jade says. "We can't keep killing each other! I thought we were all friends!" She yells, her eyes starting to water.

"I wanna go home!" Nepeta says. "I wanna see Meulin! And my cat! I don't want to be here anymore!"

Cal laughs once again, "Stop whining! Just get back to your rooms!" He says.

Rose was the first to leave, eridan following soon after. Eventually everyone left, leaving John alone.

"I wanna go home also.. Jade's right.. We can't keep killing each other.. We can't do this to each other anymore.." He mutters, before exiting. 

Remaining students: 10



I actually updated this piece of shit, lmao. Idk it's kinda rushed but I wanted to get an update out,,

Welp, thanks for reading this story, guys! It really means the world to me that people actually read this, tbh.

Welp, I'm not gonna write a bit sappy paragraph, so yeah.

Thanks for reading!


Hope and Despair [DanganStuck]Where stories live. Discover now