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Could anything else possibly go wrong?

First the laptop had gone missing and now Jade was dead. Could anything else go wrong?!

John was really frustrated with everything currently. One of his only friends had died. And now he has to find out who murdered her.

He started by looking at her body. There was no blood. Nothing seemed unusual about her body. Rose must've noticed also, since she had already checked everything.

She walked over to John, handing him something. It was a note. "It says your name on it," she says. "It's for you."

"Where'd you find this?"

"It was in her hands. Don't worry, I didn't look inside." She said. John nodded, opening up the note.

The note read: dear john,

by the time you find this, i'll already be dead. i'm really sorry this happened!! i just couldn't handle it anymore.. this wasn't a murder. i killed myself. i don't want you to miss me!! i want you to show this to rose and the others. show rose before the trial, and then the others during the trial as evidence!! i hope i'm helpful!

with love, jade <3

ps- go to my room!!

John finished reading the note,  then handed it to Rose, who quickly read over it. She nodded, handing it back to him.

"Thank you for showing that to me," she said. "It's going to help. A lot."

"Well, it was Jade's request so.."

"True.. Make sure no one sees that until the trial," she said. John nodded. They both parted ways after that.

John had been really curious about what Jade said. She told him to go to her room? Well that's what he was going to do!

He had gone to his room after parting ways with Rose, but he now left his room, going to Jade's. He walked up to the door, about to open it.

"What the hell are you doing?" Karkat asked, standing behind John.

"Uh.. Checking jade's room?"

"You're not going on a panty raid or something, are you? Because of you are that's fucked up!"

"Wh- what?! Why does everyone keep accusing me of doing pervy things?!"

"Because you're probably a perv!"

"I'm not a perv! I was checking her room for any clues about her death!"

"..Fine. But I'm going with you."

"Okay, I don't really care anymore!" He exclaimed, flailing his arms around.

They both entered Jade's room, looking around. John found a note on her desk, and picked it up, reading it.

dear john, (if you're not john put this down now!!)

under my pillow is a file. read the file. keep it safe. don't let anyone else read it. now get the file!!

He quickly grabbed the file, opening it. Inside was a picture of a boy with pointy, triangle shaped glasses. His hair was spiked up somehow, and he was with three other people. A guy and two girls.

John stared for a moment, before realizing one of the girls was Roxy.

john, I've discovered that there wasn't really 15 students. we really had 16! he's the one with the weird glasses. i've discovered that he's staying somewhere in the school! you have to find him. his name is dirk strider.

Hope and Despair [DanganStuck]Where stories live. Discover now